Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [det] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's a thing that the public thinks is wrong or that is n't really , truly , basically artistic it 'll fade away anyway ten years from now nobody 'll think about it .
2 The rough had been allowed to get really high and that was n't good news for us in the first round .
3 I 'd say it was a dog but it 's very , very old and that 's as much as I can tell .
4 If a system of government is , in the long term to continue to enjoy the broad acquiescence on which , in a democratic society , it stands , it must be sufficiently responsive to the voices of the governed and this is most effectively ensured by the constitution 's providing for the regulation of social affairs at the lowest and most immediate level possible .
5 A 36″ × 18″ × 18″ or 36″ × 24″ × 24″ would be adequate but these are not so readily available .
6 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
7 Because they , they they 'd got cellars in that cottage so that the cellars became the ar armoury and there was erm ammunition and everything in there and the back of there , which was the garden , we could use as , as parade area so it was it was very central and that 's where we finished up as headquarters for I 'll say D Company , for Bloxwich .
8 Some of the vowels that are ( -close , -open ) are central and some are not ; the feature central would identify , , , , all others being ( -central ) .
9 A further limiting factor is that the plaintiff bears the burden of proof ; he has to show that the defendant was negligent and this is not always easy to do .
10 The numbers were vast and this was very largely because the movies were not just appealing to sections of the masses but to the masses in general .
11 Their laboratory is tiny and that 's always the mark of a good brewery . ’
12 But each station is autonomous and some are more music-oriented than others .
13 Nowadays the island is more developed but this is still a favourite and convenient ‘ watering hole ’ .
14 That 's absolutely right and that 's why the caution is there in the statement .
15 That 's how we got it right and that 's how it finished up taking $180 million worldwide .
16 He put in a kitchen and he thought there was something funny about these people erm they did n't want to give him money up front for the fabric , you know , the woods and things and he was n't asking the full amount anyway and he said , you know , a things are very tight in business and I do not want to run up any more debts if you will let me have some of cash , some of the cash fo for the wood as soon as the wood 's delivered I 'll come and do the job , it 's not as though your money is going to be tied up in any way and there was a bit of a face pulling and saw this woman drop to , sort of , always hovering around always putting her motty in and erm when th when the job was nearly completed madam steps forward with the cries of that is n't quite right and that is n't quite right and Nev was putting hours doing nit-picking fussing about getting things absolutely perfect got it absolutely perfect but when it came to the final bill they knocked off six hundred because there was the tiniest little scratch on one of the panels !
17 That is right and that is why we oppose so many elements in the social charter .
18 That is right and that is why we have pressed energetically for almost two years for the association agreements , which include trade and political discussions , with Poland , with Hungary and with Czechoslovakia .
19 ‘ He wants to play his own part in it as low-key as possible and that 's quite correct . ’
20 I think it 's part of a vicious circle , that sometimes it 's guilt which leads to depression and then women feel guilty about being depressed and that 's why they take what is on offer to them .
21 Most homes are owner-occupied and most are well maintained .
22 Good educational software for the PC used to be few and far between — the graphics were normally poor , the interface fiddly and most were totally over priced .
23 So when you hear people who are in shock , they 'll be okay and that 's how they are , they 're panting , breath , right , very fast and very shallow , they 're not calm , they 're panting for breath all the time , okay , so that 's how you see them .
24 After some years , some people with HIV may become seriously ill and this is when they have AIDS .
25 in some areas there is a specialist home nursing service for the terminally ill and this is sometimes part of the services of a hospice ( these are usually called Continuing Care or MacMillan nurses ) .
26 Speed increases of double , treble and more are often claimed .
27 And the You know the white And that 's just nice just now is n't it ?
28 It is , it was a case it was a case with me that I was black or white and that 's why that 's why it hit the press like it did .
29 We all know that er if the crisis has a military er follow-up , er during this type of crisis , everybody will exp , expect this crisis , if it happens , will be short , erm well er would be abnormal but this is not the situation of today .
30 He remembered her as being pretty but this was quite the wrong word now .
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