Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mike dragged me clear and carried me into the house .
2 She lifted off a heavy daily and brought it to me .
3 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
4 I put off going to the doctor but I wish I had n't because my GP immediately knew what was wrong and told me about carpal tunnel syndrome .
5 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
6 Indeed , Hamilton suggested crisply that they had got it wrong and left it at that .
7 I had to be told which character was Chaplin ; he was so old and looked nothing like the silent comic I knew so well .
8 Taskopruzade quotes from his father these words of Hocazade 's : " At the time when I was at the Sultan medrese in Bursa I was thirty-three years old and loved nothing save Taskopruzade goes on to say that Hocazade used to take more pride in having taught at the Sultan medrese than in having been kazasker or Mehmed II's Hoca .
9 His eyes went to her head and he snatched her hat free and flung it into the back of the car .
10 He pushed the dress free and lifted her into his arms , walking to the bed , and Maggie made a small whimpering noise she did n't even recognise , a softly feminine noise of submission .
11 He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate , fumbling in his jacket pocket for something .
12 His body shuddered , and then his tolerance disintegrated and he wrenched his arms free and wrapped them round her , holding her hard against him .
13 Scott reached slowly inside his jacket then pulled the Beretta free and handed it to Hitch , who gripped the automatic in his fist and checked that the magazine was full , slipping it from the butt .
14 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
15 I pulled it free and found it to be sand-frosted and pear-shaped , like the one Nicky had shown me .
16 He pulled the pistol free and shoved it against Hitch 's cheek .
17 He pulled the video-cassette free and gripped it in his free hand , the pistol still trained on the tall
18 But when researchers cut sections of these rings , ground them down into slices so thin that they were translucent and examined them through the microscope , they found , preserved in the chert , the shapes of simple organisms , each no more than one or two hundredths of a millimetre across .
19 Teesdale District Council turned down an application for the sign on the ground of it contravening the town area local plan but the inspector said it was acceptable and allowed it for the next five years .
20 She was utterly incredulous and said something like : ‘ The King dead ?
21 One of the younger men charged up to Sabine and pulled her into the circle .
22 Unfortunately , very few people will appreciate just how much time , effort and sheer innovative thinking has gone into making the engine look similar to how it would look had we merely pressure washed the outside and mounted it for display .
23 I licked and rolled , then lit the joint and handed it to Carol .
24 The next morning I awoke early and tidied myself for school .
25 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
26 Part of the cuff was visible and reminded him of Middy sleeping under the quilt .
27 This virulent loathing of women 's bodies continued during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the West : any expression of sexual desire by women was considered filthy , corrupt , sinful and marked them as whores , the daughters of Eve .
28 Tonight Craig Cook 's parents said the council knew the wall was unsafe but did nothing about it .
29 Their trial , on Health and Safety charges has been told that they knew the gantry was unsafe but did nothing about it .
30 Septimus Coffin , with a little bow of the head , retired and left him to it .
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