Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The remarks grew ever more debased and treacherous so that Mr Charles — at least so he claimed — was obliged to intervene with the suggestion that such talk was bad form .
2 ‘ It can become over-bureaucratic and ritualistic so that the words and the jargon take over .
3 The church is high and light so that the vista from narthex to eastern apse is clear and uninterrupted .
4 May we be open and honest and trustworthy so that other people are never afraid of getting close to us and need never be afraid of us hurting them .
5 The result of his planning so far is what he calls ‘ the R&D Initiative for the NHS ’ — something that he recognises must be visible and simple so that he can present it ‘ succinctly ’ to boardrooms and to nonspecialist health professionals , such as managers .
6 We have tried to make the questions simple but comprehensive so that it wo n't take many minutes to fill in but your answers will give us a good idea of what is wanted and what is not .
7 Its end is both sticky and muscular so that a toad can use it first to grasp a worm or a slug and then to carry it bodily back to the mouth .
8 Furthermore , the first triticale was far too tall and weak so that it ‘ lodged ’ ( is flattened ) in a storm , and kernels in contact with the earth soon rotted .
9 Only the grip of his hand on her arm joined their bodies together , yet the union seemed complete and total so that she was no longer a separate entity .
10 Like his celebrated 1976 Macbeth , which teamed McKellen and Judi Dench , Nunn 's Othello was deliberately small-scale and intimate so as to shift the emphasis away from overripe declamation and directorial grandstanding and back to the fevered pulse of the play .
11 And it is wise to spend time getting it smooth and level so that all the bolt holes in a prefabricated building line up correctly .
12 Most of the pages in the book have been specially designed in black and white so that children can fill in and complete the illustrations themselves .
13 Plumage pinkish-cinnamon ; tail and rounded wings strongly barred black and white so that in flight looks like huge round-winged black and white moth .
14 May we be helpful and reliable so that other people can trust in us and find our friendship valuable .
15 This is partly due to the fact that reservoir construction is incomplete , many are unsafe and the water-distribution systems are often incomplete or inadequate so that water can not reach the fields .
16 The types of information required will tend to be unpredictable and unstructured so that database access will need to be flexible .
17 The matrix is designed to be flexible and adaptable so that it can readily be adjusted to respond to needs identified by users .
18 In type- B , juveniles of both sexes are sedentary and thus have similar ( low ) mortality , but as adults , males rove and females remain sedentary and cryptic so that mortality is higher in males .
19 Look for drive bays of both sizes , 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch so that you can fit extra peripherals such as CD-ROM , or another hard or floppy drive .
20 May we be caring and considerate so that other people trust us and feel proud to have us for friends .
21 It appeared exactly the same — its walls hung with innumerable paintings , prints and photographs , their frames dull with years , their glass wavy and opaque so that the subjects had lost whatever initial impact they had and were now just pictures collecting dust .
22 When I think of me days of pain and sufferin' here , and how I 've kept cheerful and 'elpful so as not to be a burden , as well as givin' you the benefit of me company so that you could 'ave someone to talk to , well , it 's a shock to me to find you lazin' about with a gypsy woman on your lap .
23 It was felt by many politicians and officials that local government , in its recent form , was slow and inept so that the departments dealing with local authorities either developed a mass of controls to enable them to watch over local authorities or actually withdrew services from the local authorities .
24 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
25 The colour of the team 's socks , until 1927 black with thin red and white stripes , was altered to a more distinctive blue and white so that the players could recognize their colleagues more easily without looking up .
26 I think it was copied from Victoria , Victoria had a lot of influence upon women obviously , she had a lot of children ; women too , women , apart from the fact there was no effective contraception , it was the duty of woman to bear a lot of children so that they could carry on the line , which was also why woman had to be very chaste and pure so that man could be sure that the son that she produced was actually his legitimate heir .
27 She would take home something special and beautiful so that she would not remember the Côte d'Azur only for the bad things .
28 I am by no means gloomy about the prospects for British Coal , but its future success and security depend on its becoming more competitive and productive so that it can secure a large part of the British energy market in years ahead .
29 In return , we require the industry to become productive and efficient so that it can win the largest possible share of the future market for electricity generation .
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