Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It might not be in strain-on-your-meat-pies Trideocolor or go on all night like America 's bloody buggering 119 channels , but at least some nice bint like his old French teacher came on at ten-thirty and said good night as you drank your bloody buggering Ovaltine and waited for the shipping forecast .
2 So when I have to weigh up whether I can afford to trade in my battered old VW and think of those who have a BMW or Mercedes , then you begin to wonder at the sense of it all .
3 You need a certain kind of front to breeze in from an alternative reality in the back of a time-travelling Volvo and sit in a Presley City bar , with a two-headed nipper on your lap , complaining to a private dick from the twenty-fifth century that you do n't have time for nonsense .
4 When the hundred came up it weas from a very different Hick and Worcestershhire to what we 'd seen this morning .
5 Reducing The Risk , a leaflet sponsored by British Telecom and published by the Trust , emphasises that if you feel frightened , you should listen to your instincts and speak calmly , gently and slowly .
6 Webb has constantly said he is happy to carry on at Old Trafford and fight for his place .
7 He was in the Lilian Baylis 1937 season at the Old Vic and returned to the Westminster for Pygmalion , Richard III , and more O'Neill , including a memorable portrayal of the old Ephraim Cabot in Desire Under The Elms in 1940 .
8 And the old Jew had done likewise : coming to live in nearby Heiligenstadt and pretending to be a moneylender .
9 The typewriter had been made in Delhi many years ago , copied from an English Underwood and reproduced in every detail except for the vital spring to drive the keys back .
10 Cleared of rape , Austin Donnellan stepped out of the Old Bailey and stepped into an angry scum of photographers and reporters fighting to get close to him .
11 ‘ We 'd go to the public gallery at the Old Bailey and listen to the trials .
12 In a statement broadcast by Radio Free Bougainville and repeated by Radio Australia , a BRA spokesman vowed to drive out the invasion force .
13 Visit old Amsterdam and learn about the 700 year old history of this Medieval city .
14 The bulk of the houses were grouped around the Church , along what is now the High St. and extended from the Plough to Hall House ( or Bourne 's ) , then from there in a line down to the river with Halling House or the Old Palace prominent by the Church .
15 It 's curious how someone like Pat Kane mixes being staunch SNP and singing in an American croon .
16 Medieval Scottish castles were once the homes of kings , queens and local lairds , but a three year ecological survey , commissioned by the Government agency Historic Scotland and undertaken by Northern Ecological Services , is finding new castle inhabitants .
17 There are also lower resorts with especially good snow records such as up-market Lech and Zurs in Austria and duty-free Livigno in Italy .
18 For protein extraction , cells were washed five times with ice-cold PBS and collected into a buffer containing 10mM Tris-Cl pH8.0 , 10mM KCl , 1.5mM MgCl 2 , and the protease inhibitors antipain ( 50μgml r-1 ) , aprotinin ( 10μgml r-1 ) , benzamidine ( 310μgml r-1 ) , leupeptin ( 5μgml r-1 ) , pepstatin A ( 5μgml r-1 ) and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride ( 175μgml r-1 ) .
19 Autumn passage begins in early July and continues until early October , although the latest recorded dates are 29 October 1966 and 11 November 1892 .
20 He intended to resign his post as physician to the Infirmary the following February and to leave in March .
21 The 90-day campaign began officially in early February and culminated in polling day on May 11 .
22 Testators normally began their will by committing their soul to Almighty God and asking to be buried in the local churchyard ( or if they were rich and important enough within the church itself ) .
23 Criss-crossing Europe and switching between time periods spanning 500 years , this new production by Red Shift is an action-packed thriller which follows three reluctant detectives — a clerk to Henry VIII , a Jacobean architect and a modern interior designer .
24 Despite an English-sounding name , he was born in central Europe and fought with distinction for the British in the Second World War .
25 The workshop , which will be supported by WACC , aims to help establish a network of Christian broadcasters in Eastern and Central Europe and to contribute to the renewal of Christian life and faith in the region .
26 In preparing the timetables for these services we sought to meet the objectives of providing a series of connections between buses from central Livingston and trains to and from Edinburgh .
27 3 years ago , Paul Highfield was diagnosed as having chronic Leukemia and given between 2 and 10 years to live .
28 The Black Death , which reached England in 1348 , remained virulent in the following year , and recurred frequently in succeeding centuries , probably originated in central Asia and spread to the Black Sea area along the trans-Asian trade routes .
29 He thought of little Rosamund and went to the high altar where the great missal lay .
30 She pushed the papers back into the large Crockford and looked round the room , realising there ought to be a servants ' stair to the first floor continuing the one running from the ground floor to the basement .
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