Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 By applying such a low EM field to a cell in order to excite it and then observing how long it takes to discharge , it is possible to determine when a cell has become transformed from a normal state to a cancerous condition .
2 Introducing the variable , it is seen that when this second contribution is but when it is To summarise , the foregoing analysis has established that the complete Fourier spectrum of a unit step function comprises a delta function centred on zero frequency that provides the mean direct level of one-half and a continuous spectrum of sinewaves with amplitude that provides the unit step about the mean .
3 AND you 'll be chauffeur-driven to and from Birmingham to play a tournament of WWF Wrestlemania-Super Nintendo Version on a Super Nintendo entertainment system .
4 Instead , Cohen 's examination of Lautner 's career balances interviews and archival Wright footage with a close , deliberate scrutiny of space , materials and a stunning landscape on the outskirts of Los Angeles , where Lautner built some of his most ambitious projects .
5 Perhaps he wo n't turn out to be the British Jean Renoir of a Glaswegian Woody Allen .
6 Lib Dem hopes pinned on Paul Tyler , who won the old Bodmin constituency with a majority of just nine in 1974 , but lost it later the same year .
7 In July that year , he flew Mercury on the first ever commercial Atlantic flight with a half-ton payload , starting at Foynes and landing at Montreal some 20 hours later , navigating by astro .
8 A MAGNIFICENT Mark Hughes last night upstaged Eric Cantona on his Old Trafford debut with a stunning derby winner .
9 This distribution resembles a CpG island [ 23 ] and is to our knowledge an unusual high CpG density in a coding region of a human cDNA .
10 That the BIS was a mixture of unconventional religion and radical politics was further underlined by the support of Garrison and his emissaries from the United States ; British India development as a way of undermining British dependence on American cotton was equally for them part of a package , which included association with ‘ moral force ’ Chartists and hostility to evangelical ‘ sectarianism ’ in antislavery in the form of the BFASS , a view they held despite Sturge 's middle-class political radicalism .
11 His first position was with the old Edinburgh Corporation as a trainee valuer and he has been with Lothian Regional Council since reorganisation in 1975 .
12 " I got fed up of seeing people 1 knew getting dressed up and going to pubs or discos , because I could n't and I did n't know what the latest was — and round here that matters a lot , " said a nineteen-year-old Wigan woman with a child .
13 Lady Helen Taylor , daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Kent , who is just giving up her job as a Soho art dealer , and her husband , West End art dealer Tim Taylor , have traded in their black 10-year-old Porsche sportscar for a K-registered £27,500 family-sized black Range Rover .
14 The financial resources proposed by the secretary of state to support the strategy are intended to move over a 5 year period from 0.8% of the total NHS budget to a target of 1.5% .
15 This tactical defence has been weakened by a ruling made recently in another case , where the Guggenheim Museum was seeking the return of a stolen Chagall painting from a private collector .
16 Bullies , in other words — as Palin 's father , an unsuccessful Sheffield businessman with a calamitous stutter , was a bully .
17 Kang proposed that the two states should acquire separate UN membership as a temporary measure until such time as Korean reunification was achieved .
18 The anxieties of some UK companies over the reluctance of UK banks to participate at this stage were assuaged with the early November announcement of a meduium-term facility worth about £700 million ( $190 million ) to be extended to Kuwait by the UK government .
19 FIG. 3 Average U/Pb for each central Atlantic island as a function of lithospheric age ; b , average K/U ratio against U/Pb ratio ; c , average Ce/Pb ratio against U/Pb ratio and d , Nd isotope composition against Sm/Nd ratio .
20 UNPERTURBED by a visitor 's forthright ‘ cross examination ’ , museum information officer Lynn Miller ( left ) is pictured identifying early Wedgwood ware at a museum in the Netherlands , the company 's oldest export market dating back to 1763 .
21 Apart from the astonishing technological feat of compressing the required CD-I hardware into a self-contained , palmtop device , Sony have also shown a strong grasp of the popular appeal of portable and personal information systems .
22 Mighty Kidwelly castle in a peaceful location by the sea
23 Came in the following Sunday morning with a tie on , no shirt or coat , just a tie .
24 Digicipher , by contrast , squeezes a full-blown HDTV signal into a smaller slice of the radio spectrum .
25 Look at this suit — it 's a real Paris model with a mink collar . ’
26 This pernicious combination of rising inflation and rising unemployment , usually referred to as ‘ stagflation ’ , not only led economists to abandon the simple Phillips curve as a tool for modelling an inflationary process .
27 ON January 13 the Turks will stop the flow of the mighty Euphrates river for a month to build up the water level in their new Ataturk dam ; fine , except that the Euphrates flows into Iraq which needs the water for irrigation and electricity .
28 She could see that nothing could harm her , that there was no danger , that danger in so far as it might exist was desirable , and she started to walk , slowly , up the street , looking at those who looked at her , exchanging glance for glance , shivering in the warm April air from a tremulous , hopeful , artificial apprehension .
29 It is clear that a main attraction of the project for its participants was the opportunity offered to obtain a large amount of space in a Central London location for a modest outlay .
30 More prestigious universities , showing a surer touch than the Royal Society of Chemistry , had refused to get involved with Elena , but the Romanian Embassy pointed out that she would have taken the Central London Poly for a much grander institution than it really was .
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