Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [subord] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 We 're not told and it does n't say on your ballot paper please be sure to remember you 're voting on what you think is right rather than what is in your personal interest , you were just asked to vote .
2 Evil should not be unrecognized merely because it is as banal as indifference ; indifference rather than intent may well be the greater cause of avoidable human suffering , particularly in the case of corporate crime .
3 Vision comes alive only when it is shared .
4 Is he aware that that concert is possible only because it is being sponsored by St. Ivel with a matching grant from the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts — ABSA ?
5 Installation through a window is possible only where there is single glazing .
6 To establish laws of nature without analogizing would be possible only if there is indeed a logical operation for inferring from the particular to the universal , which induction is supposed to be .
7 Time after time Nizan hammered out his basic message : the internal logic of fascism is rearmament leading to war ; the only way to prevent the catastrophe of a world-wide conflict is the creation of a potent counterbalancing force expressly designed to curb the expansionist tendencies of fascist nation states ; peace will be possible only if it is guaranteed by an effective network of alliances forged between civilised , peace-loving nations such as France , Great Britain and , above all , the USSR .
8 Natural wastage in AEA is currently very low so if there is a need to reduce numbers this will need to be through further redundancies .
9 I wanted the garment to seem feminine even though it is made out of a yarn as heavy and warm as pure wool .
10 This very popular music with its haunting , melancholy and often monotonous melodies is sung in Madeira but has never become as popular here as it is in Portugal .
11 We are committed to ensuring that this reputation remains as sound tomorrow as it is today .
12 Having said this , Smith , being a Marxist , has to provide an alternative and more sophisticated account of why military expenditure remains high even if it is dysfunctional for capitalism For Smith , military expenditure is yet one more example of the contradictions of capitalism — it is both functional and dysfunctional .
13 It was considered as wrong then as it is now to embezzle the Crown 's revenues .
14 FSA applies to a transaction which is or is to be entered into by a person as principal only if he is , effectively , a market maker
15 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
16 As the PAL:YPE recalls , this impression was based on a combination of physical environment , staff vision , and an existing commitment to an infrastructure including a permanent part-time library assistant : School A I was impressed with , because they too had already started to talk about resource-based learning and they already had as far as I remember … ( now my memory is fairly vague now because it is quite a long time ago ) … but as far as I remember they had a Headmaster , who was extremely interested , very keen indeed , and they had a committee already set up , I think to look into this .
17 A low response rate is serious particularly if there is reason to suspect that persons likely to give particular kinds of answers might be less or more likely to respond than others .
18 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
19 This makes the Scottish footwork look very light and easy particularly as it is allied to the steps of petit and grand allegro he also used .
20 It gets dark , it 'll be dark there before it is dark here
21 It is reactionary only when one is concerned about conformity for its own sake , obedience as an end in itself , rather than as a means to an end .
22 ‘ It seems to me that everyone thinks he 's ill merely because he is less rude and rather more bearable than he has been in the past , ’ the head said irritably .
23 She 's far too valuable just as she is , even if her sixth sense did n't mention Epping Forest until after our crime reporter did .
24 We all have to make Randolph feel welcome and we have to work extra hard tonight as it is very dark and windy , ’ he said .
25 Aelurostrongylus infection is widespread partly because it is almost indiscriminate in its ability to develop in slugs and snails , and partly because of its wide range of paratenic hosts .
26 The problems are more urgent now because there is the possibility that we may find a complete unified theory in as little as twenty years .
27 Now this was not as magnificent then as it is today .
28 Though the Dragon Princes were few the destruction they could wreak was unmatched then as it is now and few dared the wrath of Caledor .
29 Consequently it was as hard then as it is now to separate our various individual contributions .
30 An individual who can control and coordinate the other team members , who recognises their talents but is not threatened by them , and who is concerned with what is feasible rather than what is exciting or imaginative .
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