Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [vb mod] do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right I 'll do it again and I 'll have another go at it .
2 I 'm an actress , if it is right I will do it .
3 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
4 So easy you can do it in your sleep .
5 And unbelievably , they were convinced they could do it .
6 I 'm just so glad I could do it !
7 I 'm to explain roughly what they 're up to , so I invited them in , they then explained exactly what they were up to , fine I 'll do it .
8 I was n't sure I could do it justice and he was n't sure either .
9 ‘ I feel like a circus animal ’ — Robin-Anne ignored my disclaimer — ‘ because you 're all expecting me to perform my antics , and I 'm not sure I can do it . ’
10 I am sure I can do it .
11 ‘ Are you sure you could do it ? ’
12 It would clearly be very difficult to compare one disaster to another , in fact I 'm not even sure you could do it from a grammatical point of view , but if you were to point your finger somewhere in the world and say , ‘ We really ought to look at what 's happening here , or what might happen there , ’ could you think of one outstanding example ?
13 " Although I 'm not sure you can do it , father What was that ?
14 ‘ I 'm sure you can do it .
15 The thought of flipping him neatly on to his back on the floor was a highly tempting one — and she was quietly confident she could do it , even though he was built like a rugby player .
16 I 'm sure we can do it .
17 I 'm sure they 'll do him a sandwich box .
18 well not posters , the horsewatch is a prime example where I wanted to look at setting a format in a particular way , and to sit at the side of either Alf or Tracey well now alter it to that or to that I 'm sure they 'd do it , but nevertheless it 's putting them off their work .
19 Finding the money for the cycleways could be an uphill struggle , but the forest authorities are confident they 'll do it by the end of the century .
20 Hospital spokeswoman Margaret Le Masters said : ‘ It is going to be a big hurdle for Laura to get over , but the surgeons are confident they can do it .
21 And they all said now look is there anything we can do and I said no , it 's not , if you 're coming to me as far as I 'm concerned I will do it , you need anything and I will cope .
22 Yu can do it if yu angry yu can do it if yu mad
23 I was amazed I could do it ’ .
24 If necessary she could do it without even standing close to him .
25 Yeah , I mean we could we 'll do it cheap we could do it cheap and I could work that out in a private way .
26 If that 's alright I 'll do it got ta pay your own train fair I said Boxing Day they only do Sunday service anyway .
27 It 's alright I 'll do it
28 well I 've got the mince out so you 're alright I 'll do it then
29 No it 's alright we 'll do them .
30 You got them on trough , then they 're saying alright we 'll do it somewhere else .
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