Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] he [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Although he is a versatile director , the emotional notes he specialises in teasing out tend to be of a more subtle nature than the full-blooded chords of sexual ecstasy .
2 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
3 In the plenary session which he addressed , Sir James discreetly avoided the question ( conveyed by no less a person that the Aga Khan ) about which British companies he rated in environmental terms .
4 The ‘ spontaneity ’ , ‘ improvisation ’ and ‘ personalized ’ interpretations of popular singers he explains in terms of a combination of pseudo-individualism , fake immediacy ( part of the false veneer of ‘ art ’ ) and the psychological appeal of the ‘ star ’ .
5 Had a look at the records last night and saw that Sterland scored 5 goals in the Div II championship and 7 in the 20-odd matches he played in the Div I Championship .
6 ‘ He crumbled over those two little old ladies he met in Brighton , and did n't being to take the chance that had been offered to him .
7 He could not afford a camera so he was forced to make a note of the old churches he visited in words and in little sketches .
8 The connection between modern architecture and tyranny awaits its historian , but it is worth reflecting on the mentality of Le Corbusier and his acolytes before being too harsh on the servile Romanian architects who competed for Ceauşescu 's favour so that they could take charge of the vast projects he had in mind .
9 The war had proved Dobbie 's exceptional ability as a staff officer and for nine of the ten following years he served in staff appointments in the Rhine Army , Aldershot , the War Office , and Western Command .
10 In his early years he sailed in the ships of the Dieppe armateur , Jean Ango .
11 In his early years he appeared in concert parties .
12 Cnut thus lost the control over Norway enjoyed by his father , and Olaf conceivably had some connection with whatever early difficulties he experienced in Denmark .
13 Gorbachev 's early speeches gave relatively little attention to the longer-term objectives he had in mind for Soviet society .
14 I find Lubin 's fingerwork in faster movements absolutely sparkling ; and the slightly more flowing tempi he adopts in the slower movements are more to my taste .
15 But despite the vast amounts he earned in his career , Hunt was reportedly penniless at the time of his death .
16 However , although there seems indeed to be a return to ‘ History ’ ( in Simonian terms ) and an apparent abandonment of the scriptural narcissism of the self-generating novels he produced in the 1970s , this view also rests on a historicizing version of the development of Simon 's fiction .
17 Looked at another way , The Possessed and the two remaining novels he had in him to write , A Raw Youth and The Brothers Karamazov , are all generation-gap stories , and for Dostoevsky the generation gap is only subordinately topical and tendentious and mixed up with Turgenev .
18 He was challenged to come clean over personal assurances he gave in December 1990 that ministers were obeying a ban on selling defence equipment to Saddam Hussein .
19 It was an entry to international football as perfectly timed as any of the crisp , balanced tackles he made in the course of his remarkable playing career .
20 The wig he finally chose needed modification by a barber ; but he got it done , put on a pair of folding spectacles he carried in his briefcase , and had the satisfaction of astonishing his colleagues when he walked back into the hotel .
21 Eltis linked this with the basic errors he detected in Keynesian ideas , as propounded by such recent disciples as Harrod or Kaldor , who gave full employment and job creation the priority over price stability .
22 ‘ And all the incredible holes he puts in me , all the fear he creates in me , has given me such an awesome respect for life .
23 Four of the relieving kicks he launched in this match had to be seen to be believed , particularly as he varied his kicking foot .
24 Hence the unwillingness of the senior ( and supposedly retired ) leader , Mr Deng Xiaoping , to pursue the economic reforms he began in 1978 to their logical conclusion in a free market .
25 A junior hospital doctor was telling Virginia Bottomley of the long hours he worked in casualty .
26 He kept himself very much to himself , studying the ancient books he kept in the box beside his bed , doing his exercises , or playing himself at wei chi — long games that could take a day , sometimes even a week to complete .
27 Periodically he returned to his Australian roots , but for long periods he worked in the UK .
28 One of has last articles appeared earlier this year in Nature ( 361 , 392 ; 4 February 1993 ) but the British government has not yet deigned to answer the awkward questions he raised in it .
29 The embarrassing scenes he makes in New York 's suburban streets and supermarkets seem at times more real than the enormities of his nightmare past .
30 Not only that , the recordings were made on the very instrument for which most of it had been written , so there 's no doubt that the sounds we hear are the very sounds he had in mind when setting out his very registration .
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