Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] you have get " in BNC.

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1 and then I said oh look at the bloody heels you 've got on oh my god ca n't get in there
2 So those are all the different forms you 've got .
3 Do n't you have all sorts of cultural traditions you 've got to fight against .
4 a man well personal things you 've got
5 So that 's a way of not relying on remembering , cos you 've got so many little squiggles you 've got to remember , not just in physics , in chemistry and in everything else .
6 ‘ In the name of the Imam , use what little brains you 've got .
7 Those , those little boxes you 've got .
8 Can I just say er , in in primary schools you 've got to catch the children young , but you never hear of any of the mothers taking the football teams it 's always one of the fathers !
9 Besides the major intervals you 've got minor intervals .
10 So this is one of the regular problems you 've got and er erm it 's not a kind of strictly scientific detective way of studying gypsies er but it , a bit of which , which gets rich material , er yo you get into the the actual way of thinking of the people you 're studying .
11 What 's this huge stack of post-modern journals you 've got here ?
12 ‘ Sure they 're good boys you 've got there . ’
13 ‘ What beautiful legs you 've got , ’ as he stood up to dress .
14 For example on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that up it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us as Councillors well , you know , do this for us and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air _ there 's an awful lot of paperwork that 's got to be gone through and an awful lot of people to see and an awful lot of red tape , really , to get through first — I mean just to make sure that the thing 's safe and complies with health and safety standards — and that 's something which you have to get across to young people and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this and involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities and they 're less inclined , I think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
15 For example , on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's erm water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that lot up , it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through , and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us , ‘ Well , as councillors , well , do this for us , ’ and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air .
16 ‘ What lovely wee pink hams you 've got , son .
17 with his permission he thought it was funny he saw the funny side of it as well , but they had this big argument for five minutes cos he thought what he 'd done was right and he said Jesus , I 've been using this for three years for the training in the branch er it makes you wonder does n't it erm but if you 're gon na do practical applications you 've got ta give people relevant examples perhaps you start off basics with an example that is correct and then you start building on that do n't you then you start giving them the deviations and all this sort of stuff .
18 So they 're the only ones you want to get rid of or are they the only ones you 've got ?
19 They 're the vital signs you 've got to display before you go and get treated under the new Health Service .
20 Oh good grief , what great big teeth you 've got .
21 What great big teeth you 've got .
22 ‘ What big eyes you 've got , ’ he mocked gently with a wolfish , better-to-eat-you-with grin , and bent to kiss her .
23 And that brings us back to your point , that there are times when you , you , you know you have , in order to get your statutory rights you 've got to be pretty firm .
24 certain cases you 've got ta say to Joe , well you mean that 's what the lady wants now you know those Ercoles I did ?
25 Dirty fingers you 've got .
26 ‘ Thrill ’ was the most frequent motive for attending but ‘ humour ’ was also frequently cited — if the wrestlers went in for too much close holding choruses of ‘ Kiss me sergeant ‘ and ‘ What blue eyes you 've got ’ would strike up .
27 With certain organizations you 've got to get a whip out occasionally , but this is not that type of situation .
28 In other words you 've got the trading account which is how 's trading , the committee account , the petty cash and the wages box are part and parcel of the trading but they 're kept as separate entities within the organization .
29 But these they 've erm the religious parties you 've got build there , you know we 've got to expand Israel this is our homeland and if you do n't do this we 're not going to support you .
30 Sometimes , this is the only answer if the hole has to be a particular size not covered by the other cutters you 've got .
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