Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that [vb base] them " in BNC.

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1 What is it about local economic policies that make them ‘ local ’ ?
2 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
3 The US International Trade Commission has upheld the ridiculous decision that Japanese manufacturers are dumping active matrix liquid crystal displays on the US market to the detriment of a handful of tiny US manufacturers that could never meet the demand from the likes of Apple Computer Inc and IBM Corp , but that alleged dumping of electroluminescent displays has not hurt the US electronics industry ; the active matrix displays carry prohibitive 62.7% tariffs , which apply to imported screens but not to assembled machines that include them , while the electroluminescent displays carried only a 7% tariff .
4 This argues against many of the palaeo. magnetic reconstructions that put them far apart .
5 People who are concerned to preserve their own well-being , and also to strive to do a better job , need to look in two directions for help : they must look inwards , to gain insight into the dynamics of their own stress ; and they must look outwards , to understand better the social forces that surround them .
6 Deviants can not be viewed as billiard balls inescapably moved by the social forces that surround them .
7 For some , the reason is one of choice ; they do not have a job or social links that tie them to a 24 hour day .
8 Only an idealized observer could see both the inner processing and the causal relations of the symbols to outside objects that give them meaning : no one could actually be that idealized observer , because each observer is confined to operating on the symbols that are within his computational machinery , and this excludes their external causal relations .
9 Most flesh-eating reptiles have simple spikes that prevent them from chewing their prey ; they have to gulp it down whole and then remain in a torpor for days or weeks to digest the meal .
10 As well as the academic and professional qualifications , accountants who aspire to the de rigueur red braces must also have personal characteristics that set them apart .
11 Furthermore , the idea of network impinges fairly closely on the notion of sociolinguistic functions , as we have presented this in chapter 2 , because it is a fundamental postulate of network analysis that individuals create personal communities that provide them with a meaningful framework for solving the problems of their day-to-day existence ( Mitchell 1986 : 74 ) .
12 Witnesses describe gremlins as looking like rabbits or bulldogs , sometimes wearing spats , top hat and breeches , and with long , webbed feet that enable them to move quietly .
13 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
14 The poor in all countries struggle against the domestic and global forces that oppress them and their resistance takes many forms .
15 The muscles of the legs and abdomen , and in many insects all the flight muscles as well , respond synchronously to the nervous impulses that reach them .
16 The formulation of the theory of labour supply violates the classical homogeneity postulate which states that a scalar multiplication of all nominal quantities should leave real quantities , and the functional relationships that underlie them , unchanged .
17 They have to live with the fear of sudden attacks that leave them struggling to breathe .
18 They have to live with the fear of sudden attacks that leave them struggling to breathe .
19 Backed by the incessant thud of a drum machine , it 's only these electric rhythms that prevent them from tumbling into disorder .
20 The second is that the experiments we do are only as good as the psychological theories that underlie them .
21 And what is ‘ in the interests ’ of animals is mediated by human practices that involve them .
22 The girls shiver in spite of the warm white cellular blankets that cover them .
23 These divergent states are often subjectively perceived as having distinctive characteristics that mark them out as discrete varieties : people can recognize regional varieties such as ‘ Birmingham ’ English , ‘ Yorkshire ’ English and so on , and they often have a fairly clear idea of how such varieties are distinguished from one another .
24 For that reason , the majority are likely to be studying technical or vocational subjects that equip them with more immediately useful skills .
25 Rightly or wrongly for instance , most of us are happy about the properties of rigid rods of iron , and we are prepared to use them as units of explanation of more complex machines that contain them .
26 And now they have mental powers that allow them to surpass physical laws . ’
27 Naturally the physical bases that are the cause of defective sight remain unchanged ; measured visual acuity is unlikely to be improved , but children can be positively helped to pay attention to visual stimuli , and can be given motivating visual tasks in optimum conditions that help them to enjoy the experience of using their vision as fully and effectively as possible .
28 The solution to the problem can be found by shifting emphasis from the terminal products , the genetic blueprint and the final cultural product , and concentrating on the developmental procedures that connect them .
29 All the big firms have strong international links that cushion them somewhat from domestic troubles .
30 It is , in fact , an approach to managing health services and the range of views is largely reflecting just where individuals are within an organisation , the key tasks that concern them and their own approach to implementation .
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