Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , broad policies for assisting new enterprise may simply result in some businesses being thrust up onto the crowded platform at the expense of others pushed off it .
2 This was the backdrop to a rising tide of anti-trade-union sentiment and pressure by the media and employers culminating in the passing of the Labor-Management Relations Act 1947 ( the Taft-Hartley Act ) , which purported to recreate a more equitable balance of power between unions and management by prohibiting certain unfair practices by the former and providing specific rules for handling large strike which , in the president 's view , constituted national emergencies .
3 Mr Peter Bergg , the Liberal Democrat candidate , said both Conservatives and Labour plans for financing local government were expensive and inefficient .
4 By the end of 1962 Castro had sound economic reasons for sustaining Cuban links with the Soviet Union , apart from his security concerns .
5 The document also outlined broad strategies for combating common environmental problems such as the over-consumption of non-renewable resources ; the loss of biodiversity ; pollution of the air , land and seas ; and toxic wastes .
6 Considerable ingenuity may be required to discover non-racial criteria for racial discrimination and non-racial reasons for criticizing other races .
7 Since then , due to the stimulus and support given by the Centre to twentieth-century art , the setting up of regional funds for acquiring contemporary art , and the emergence of a new generation of museum curators , the landscape has completely changed .
8 What were needed , and gradually emerged between 1900 and 1940 , were technical methods for investigating large molecules .
9 Immediately the points are switched , so that the specific signals for feeling bad are never actually encountered .
10 Strategically , the only conceivable reasons for using British nuclear weapons would flow from the collapse of NATO .
11 A lemming ( given his suicidal tendencies for giving away games last year ) A bat Any bird ( as they all tend to flap at thin air )
12 These five different strategies for analysing liberal democratic policies are not all mutually inconsistent .
13 Male geladas seem to have different strategies for obtaining reproductive females depending on the state of the population .
14 It comes complete with pre-designed forms for printing Retail price lists , Invoices , Statements , Summaries and even customer and stock labels .
15 21CenNet Inc , Richardson , Texas-based developer of key enabling technologies for enhancing portable computer communications , has raised $5m in venture funding from InterWest Partners , Sevin Rosen Funds and Compaq Computer Corp. 21CenNet wants the cash to fund development of its MobileWare technologies , which are being designed to support both wireless and wired end-to-end communications to enable portable computing devices to access company information systems by providing a reliable extension of corporate local area networks over public telephone and wireless networks .
16 The most comprehensive description of the different methods for making various glass microinstruments is provided by de Fonbrune himself ( 33 ) .
17 Theoretical methods for transforming total intensity anomalies to vector-field anomalies have been studied .
18 Peter Coni , chairman of the Stewards , announcing the new rules yesterday , criticised a growing number of top crews for entering lesser events at Henley ‘ rather than showing the ambition and confidence to try to win at a higher level ’ .
20 Apart from the fairly standardised buildings housing the animals and the customary crops , some areas of the country also boast more specialised buildings for housing other crops , and these structures may be susceptible to conversion to valued and highly characterful accommodation .
21 We shall return to the question of labels later , but for the moment we may note that the ESSE/L Project has clear implications for developing information-handling skills , even if in more narrow forms such as study or library skills .
22 First of all they have enormous and very efficient and reliable memories for retaining simple bits of information .
23 Improved arrangements for assessing individual needs .
24 The one and only good thing that fluoridation has done is to provide an illustration of the urgent need for legislation to prevent the use of public money , the machinery of government , and the time of public servants for promoting private interests at the public 's expense .
25 Houphouët-Boigny blamed foreign quarters for destabilizing African countries by their " policy of low prices " for raw materials .
26 It recommends the introduction of two different procedures for determining unfair dismissal disputes : the investigative model and the adversarial model ( JUSTICE , 1987 ) .
27 In the past two articles we 've seen how double stops can be derived from chords , and also some different approaches for incorporating double stops into your playing .
28 With work teams , the pace of production can be changed by adding or remov-ing workers , and management and team members can experiment with different configurations for completing specified tasks .
29 There are , however , no theoretical grounds for preferring demand-side explanations for the growth of retirement to supply-side ones , and the evidence available on changes in the retirement process in twentieth-century Britain is ambiguous .
30 ( 3 ) perspectives on the relationships between changes in different facets of the curriculum , and the cause-effect connections which provide possible motives for changing particular elements
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