Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Their tasks included collecting taxes and when necessary producing labourers for public works on dams , canals or bridges ; and enlisting the required numbers of men for the army who lacked the money to buy themselves out of national service .
2 In each case , the program output constituted a set of scores , which corresponded to the number of strong overlaps and weak overlaps for each pair .
3 Words however are only symbols and they can have different meanings for different people .
4 One could speculate that behaviour would continue to improve , although at a decreasing rate , with it perhaps approaching a plateau somewhere below the optimum ; one might also want to speculate that there would be different plateaus for different people — reflecting the ‘ fact ’ that some individuals are better decision-makers than others .
5 The company also organised coach parties to Weldon for all of the management staff but , due to the numbers involved , R.S. was unable to provide adequate trips for all staff and their families .
6 That is what we provide in our residential homes for elderly people .
7 That is what we provide in our residential homes for elderly people .
8 The ‘ homes ’ covered in this study include residential homes for older people , nursing homes and other institutions excluding hospitals or hospices .
9 High Wood and Low Wood , favourite walks for local people and visitors , are a haven for wildlife .
10 Polar bears hunt several species , notably ringed seals , on the sea-ice breeding grounds , and man is a major predator of harp and hooded seals , valuing especially the pelts of pups and immature animals for commercial sales .
11 BT has accepted proposals by the telephone watchdog , Oftel , to limit price rises on private circuits — lines rented mainly by businesses and commercial organisations for private data and voice traffic .
12 It is feared the screening of The Leaving of Liverpool will bring back painful memories for many people involved , and social services chiefs are preparing for a stream of referrals .
13 Then , looking back into the old recipes for English fruit fools , we find that trifles , syllabubs , creams and fools have all at some point merged one with the other .
14 I have found freshwater dips for Marine fish effective at clearing flukes from infected fish .
15 Canon depended on foreign markets for 70 percent of its sales during the year , and said profits were hurt by the Japanese yen 's strength .
16 In 1987/88 , English local authorities spent £1.3 billion on personal social services for elderly people .
17 Our elderly strategy is moving towards trying to equalize , or even out , those big differences of accessibility , because if you live in Wantage , and I live in Oxford , say , we have a totally unequal access to Social Services for elderly people .
18 House party holidays are very popular venues for single people at Christmas .
19 A NEW appeal to local businesses for assistance in improving leisure and commercial facilities for disabled people in Edinburgh is under way .
20 The Trabukos offers pleasantly furnished bed and breakfast accommodation , for 2 or 3 people sharing a twin or three bedded room with private bathroom and balcony , or self-catering studios for 2–3 people with private bathroom .
21 AT&T aims initially to offer UK business customers virtual network services and digital private lines for high-speed data and voice communications , and business customers with bases in the UK and the US a variety of ‘ competitively-priced , seamless services between the two countries ’ .
22 The very limited opportunities for disabled people to take part in all forms of the arts as spectators , creators or participants raises questions about whether or not we are an oppressed and marginalised subgroup and what we might be trying to do about this .
23 Stone also said that DEC would offer daughter board upgrades for its R3000 customers , and would offer similar upgrades for future MIPS generations , such as the R5000 .
24 At the time , a trust fund was formed with the aims of establishing a permanent memorial to , and annual scholarships for young people connected with the industry .
25 It might seem little enough to get an extra bus stop or pedestrian crossing , but those are real concerns for local people and such matters affect the way they regard you politically .
26 Civil rights for disabled people
27 At an ideological level , the purposes of segregated education systems were spelled out in the Bantu Education Act of 1953 , which created an education proclaimed to be ‘ appropriate ’ to the limited prospects for black people under apartheid .
28 It would be greatly appreciated if your section could send the following details for all staff being transferred by the DSO , Sickness Records , Pension Transfer , and Reckonable Service .
29 The Health Secretary , Mr Kenneth Clarke , insisted that the latest 9 per cent offer — tilted towards extra payments for highly-trained staff — was both ‘ fair and constructive ’ .
30 Under each picture of the plant are graphic instructions for local people of what to do in the event of an emergency as well as information about the plant .
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