Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in those day " in BNC.

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1 And and of course y you did n't have extra blankets in those days , you had to fetch your Dad 's topcoat up and put on if you 're cold .
2 It is difficult for us now to understand how it was that so many serious thinkers in those days were prophetically-minded .
3 There were no photocopying machines in those days so from the day the collection was shown the sketchers had to work frantically for two or three weeks afterwards from about eight to midnight drawing models for all the clients .
4 I do n't know , Victorine said , rolling out her pastry : but people used pots in those days did n't they .
5 But oh we we 'd we 'd a lot of good fiddlers in those days and a girl at the piano .
6 Oh to get your bargains oh yes they would n't , there were n't really good fridges in those days , there was co col cold rooms but erm they would be glad to get rid of the meat that they 'd already got cut up you see , and the barker , they used to call them the barkers , standing outside you see and get your fresh meat and so on , so on , so on , so you know and er to get the custom in you see , oh there was real competition between the barkers and there were barkers standing in road .
7 We had good churns in those days , the milk in the churn , and she skim off the cream so we had raspberries and cream , and that was gorgeous .
8 The postal services in those days must have been extremely efficient , for the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in London four days later ( on 26 June , at No 12 Austin Friars ) recorded the receipt of Sir William 's plan , commenting that he had indicated there ‘ would not be found a want of active and intelligent Committees , and hardy boats ’ crews ’ !
9 Of course the cruder methods of pressing grapes in those days would often have resulted in rather murky-looking wines which failed to clear properly .
10 There were differences between lesbians and gay men in those days as there continue to be ; there were differences of race ; there were differences of class ; differences of interest ; so the community is n't a particular thing — it 's a whole series of different things .
11 They were very much discipline-based degrees in those days , there was very little functional expertise …
12 Convents of mere women probably did not have much access to precious books in those days before printing .
13 None of your exotic flavours in those days and the salt I remember came in a small piece of blue paper in the bag .
14 He had thought of experimenting with three different subjects — maths , foreign languages and chess — but his financial circumstances in those days did not make it possible .
15 It did n't deter many of Hollywood 's young stars in those days of silent movies from using drugs .
16 Other patrons in those days had included Narbra Hutton and some of the relatives of J Paul Getty .
17 Er invariably the co accommodation was er was provided in the in the local halls , there were two local halls in those days , but er primarily the public hall , wi that was the local council hall .
18 And so demanding was Doctor Who that both Barry and I were working sixty- and seventy-hour weeks in those days , consistently .
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