Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [modal v] [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But it so happens , you might say well all these years retired I ca n't be much good at the job , you 'll be interested to know that I give talks to groups which include retiring tax inspectors .
2 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
3 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
4 He says Well you 're quite right n y I Cos I did n't think we You know I 'd said to the man already it 's quite possible I would n't be able to really take the stuff out of store for him .
5 Sorry I ca n't be of more help .
6 ‘ Oh , but sir , I mean , Berndt , I 'm sorry I ca n't be more helpful .
7 Sorry I ca n't be more specific but for different Leos , the surprises will take different forms .
8 Sorry I ca n't be more helpful than that .
9 I am sorry I ca n't be any more help with that at this stage what I can do is to take that question away and circulate the information after I 've done some sums .
10 on Easter Monday so I 'm sorry I wo n't be there with your oranges , Dorothy .
11 Sorry I should n't be saying because I was Incidentally , I did n't say to you that when they transcribe it , if a name comes up they , they just write erm do you want a cup of tea , name ?
12 Sorry I could n't be of more help .
13 Oh , do n't tell me more about your bloody I ca n't be bothered to bend down and get a white T-shirt .
14 Mr Alton — a Catholic and fanatical anti-abortionist — said : ‘ While this policy remains intact I will not be able to fight for or recommend people to vote for the Liberal Democrats . ’
15 I expected to be terrified of the pain and I was worried that if anything went wrong I would n't be able to cope .
16 I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to make it back to Greylaw this weekend because I have promised to go out with the cousin of a friend .
17 ‘ I 'm afraid I wo n't be around next week . ’
18 But I do have to say that if you take the time off in the middle of term , I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to guarantee your post when you return to us . ’
19 No , I , I gather he has taken a long weekend , I do n't know where he 's whisked himself off to , but I 'm afraid I wo n't be here , er next week , I do n't know , quite know who will be , but er , Dominic 's taking er , a well needed rest .
20 ‘ I 'm afraid I ca n't be of much help , ’ Meredith said .
21 I have to go to a cocktail party at the Library Association this evening , ’ he went on , ‘ so I 'm afraid I sha n't be able to be the ministering angel .
22 Once up in her room , he said , ‘ I 'm afraid I may not be able to come again until next Friday .
23 ‘ I 'm afraid I may not be what you are looking for .
24 Finally he said , ‘ No , I 'm afraid I would n't be able to .
25 However , this is a programm devoted to ‘ bass ’ Cantatas , and I 'm afraid I can not be so enthusiastic about the soloist Peter Kooy , who is , quite frankly , rather inadequate in the celebrated Cantata ‘ Ich habe genug ’ .
26 Clinton 's wife Hillary one of America 's top lawyers has already made it clear she will not be just the mild , meek First Lady .
27 If it 's too high you wo n't be able to reach it when you 're
28 ‘ We never doubted your honesty , but we were afraid you would n't be safe .
29 ‘ No , ’ he smiled apologetically , ‘ I 'm afraid you would not be given a hearing . ’
30 Now really it 's the same thing , do n't be afraid you ca n't be afraid to ask because if you 're not clear in your own mind how the hell is the person who 's trying to communicate with you going to be clear .
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