Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [modal v] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If we are sensible it ought to be against San Marino in February . ’
2 Well anybody over forty years old it ought to be , it ought to be compulsory !
3 if you were born in the Mediterranean you would of been eating that stuff anyway and you 'd never have , think about it
4 it 's not sticky and if you get it all over you shows how cold it must of been in the night , the butter wo n't spread
5 Now I 'm like you , you 're like I used to be .
6 ‘ I 'm sure you ought to be sitting down , ’ Julia said as soon as the introductions had been made .
7 And you used to be ab well you used to be able to over the flames of the fire on one side , and then er a saucepan on the other on the in one side with your vegetables in one side , with your potatoes in and then you used to have your oven with a for your meat .
8 Jean Stubbs does the same for the 60s in Like We Used To Be ( Macmillan , £11.95 ) bringing to life the world of Flower Power and pot , contraception and the Beatles .
9 Do n't you remember how good it used to be ? ’
10 For example , when I first lived alone I used to be in a state of anxiety every time I left the house , for fear that I had forgotten something .
11 ‘ It was her life , you see , parties and pretty clothes , and putting them on makes her remember how happy she used to be .
12 Besides , do n't you remember how lonely you used to be on your own ? ’
13 that ducks do have eggs it 's possible they could of been there but they were n't .
14 I suppose to be technical it ought to be the er it ought to be referred to as the Franco- German war .
15 ‘ I 'll just bet she was some broad he used to be in love with or something , and he 's been giving her the brush-off while she 's trying to fan the embers , get back to the way it used to be . ’
16 He was n't sure just how worried he ought to be by Therese Aschmann .
17 Black and blue I used to be . ’
18 And er then er these two erm er Then when we used to when we was the young you used to be able to go down to Skeggie for a day on train for two and six .
19 Oh yes , that was what oh , but wi with the weather being nice we ought to be out .
20 How cross you used to be if a goose 's feather 's were n't drawn straight ! ’ ,
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