Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 Eudo had replied through swollen , bloody lips that he knew nothing , so the questioners changed tack .
2 He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves .
3 The liberal democracies that we know were liberal first and democratic later .
4 It was strange music , full of strange sounds that he knew he could n't hope to understand .
5 I mean , I had Tony to go through and find key words that we knew we were going to need , you know , simple words like the , of , with , a , that sort of thing , that we knew that okay , we would n't use immediately , but we 'd look , ah there that goes there , and use it straight away .
6 If your father has a favourite hobby , gather together a few well-chosen gifts that you know he will like and wrap them in a presentation basket .
7 And then , as they mumbled and made half-hearted climbing-down gestures that he knew would probably stop as soon as he was out of sight , he opened up the door to the club and let himself in .
8 ‘ In those Go-away times that I knew you had I should have guessed you needed help . ’
9 The earliest general discussions that I know of are in the works of 17th century philosopher , René Descartes , Rules for the Direction of the Mind and Discours de la Méthode .
10 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
11 Because at the moment , er I mean they spend a lot of money on various footpaths that I know of which are a tremendous er price so let's be a bit cautious you know , because er
12 we , we did n't have the big stations that you know , people who seemed to have in China and that and
13 There are also several creatures which , while they seem to be related to the segmented worms , are rather more complex in structure and quite unlike any other animals that we know , living or fossil .
14 Well hm you can see that er , members are also very concerned about it and er we 've er , i there are external circumstances that you know , we have to look into first .
15 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
16 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and erm it was the first one I went to , but I must say that of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I 've felt most erm comfortable and happy in .
17 In due course I will answer it for you , that and many other things that I know have quizzed you these past years . ’
18 I mean there are certain things like , the general conditioners to benefit , which erm , are alright , but there are other things that I know about and that I will pass on to people to look out for that I would n't want eh , that you would n't want eh , erm , outsiders to know .
19 Yeah , I I ca n't think of any other things that you know that would have led to us sort of withdrawing our labour , e everything else could 've settled amicably or through discussions with the union .
20 And if he could be sure of that , there must be other things that he knew about himself .
21 Are there any other stories that you know about Stronsay ?
22 Now I want you to tell me all the other facts that you know .
23 And it 's one that needs sort of a bit of thinking about , and again tie it back to the everyday things that you know quite a lot about , electrical appliances , things like that .
24 A lot of excellent furniture-makers that I know have an unreasonable fear of chair-making ; for some reason or other even the strong go limp at the thought of all those angles and curves .
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