Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
2 In so tar as a class dominates social relations it dominates the production of ideology .
3 The growing concern for a unified approach meant that when the Seebohm Committee concluded its review of personal social services it recommended the creation of a single local authority welfare department .
4 In Roman times it became the capital city of the province of Asia and the principal port for all of south-west Anatolia .
5 In those early days it seemed the sky was the limit !
6 Population growth not only increases the supply of labour ; in favourable conditions it increases the demand for both food and manufactured goods .
7 In simple terms it covers the beliefs , values and assumptions which shape behaviour in organisations and are reflected ( perhaps imperfectly ) in structures and processes .
8 Replying formally on April 5 , the Supreme Council repeated the call for immediate negotiations , but in conciliatory statements it acknowledged the Soviet leadership 's concern at events in Lithuania , and stressed that it did not seek to sever economic relations and " cultural and human ties " with the Soviet Union .
9 Now we have clean power with unlimited sources it takes the heat off yet another area of national and cultural competition . ’
10 On its side in large letters it bore the legend INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION SYNDICATION .
11 By then introducing smaller helpings of loose feed at regular intervals it keeps the fish interested and , more importantly , it gradually preoccupies them with that particular item of food .
12 But ICI reckons that in a number of key areas it has the edge over the competition .
13 With its powerful arms it threw the android over its shoulder .
14 In mundane economic terms it meant the coexistence of public and private sectors .
15 He went on : ’ when comparing Kent with 13 southern counties it had the lowest number of school leavers with five GCSEs grade A to C the second highest number of pupils leaving with no qualifications , the 12th lowest number staying on at 16 . ’
16 To mainstream children it offers the opportunity to live with and work alongside children who are triumphing over pain and crippling disability .
17 For a generation of European Romantics it created the image of a nation sui generis , a natural force uncontaminated by Europe , an image consecrated by the greatest writer of nineteenth-century Spain , the novelist Galdós .
18 With some notable exceptions it assists the process of individual growth and development but does little for collective growth and development .
19 In other cases it means the period during which an appeal can be lodged .
20 With the new proposals it seems the needs of the children will be put first because you wo n't be granted a divorce until a period of a year has elapsed and during that period you 'll have to work out access and maintenance for the children and put their needs first and that seems very good .
21 Its history is a long one in Scotland and in 1786 it was already a polled breed ( though some were scurred ) but in other respects it resembled the Highland , especially in shape and colour .
22 In other words it represents the square root of 2 — the problem that so worried the Greeks because its answer was an irrational number !
23 In other words it handles the conceptual processes .
24 In other words it denoted the duly consecrated and divinely endorsed king .
25 In other words it provides the context , but the actual shape and form of local politics is the outcome of a whole number of processes operating at both the local and the national level .
26 In other words it leaves the format open to the department concerned ?
27 Along with other actions it became the springboard towards legislative change in Ireland .
28 Among other features it contains the words of a song , possibly popular in Hungary , which contains a sentiment I have some sympathy with and shows that lateral thinking exists everywhere .
29 For while by enfranchising the new towns it gave the commercial middle class , and with it the master-manufacturers , a say on the conduct of Government , it totally disenfranchised the working man .
30 But this proposal to transform Berlin into a ‘ free city ’ was politically loaded since according to Soviet interpretations it required the agreement of the government of the state on whose territory the free city would be created ( the GDR ) .
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