Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Inadequate limits being set on the child 's behaviour , possible reinforcement of the aggression and modelling of aggression , and poor control of emotional reactions were all part of the learning history of these abusing children .
2 The Liquid Faeries are all chicken wire guitars with a primitive production and basic arrangement .
3 The Liquid Faeries are all chicken wire guitars with a primitive production and basic arrangement .
4 The political imperatives are those choices faced by states , either solely or in alliance with others .
5 I think that one of the most confusing aspects is this word corporates , what 's a national account corporate , what 's a national account
6 The raids on the British cities were another matter .
7 The result with present 3-D pictures is that foreground objects tend to look flat — ‘ cut out of cardboard ’ is the common expression — because the viewer can not look round an object by moving his head .
8 I do n't think it 's really a question of public schools , except in so far as so many public schools are all boys .
9 Social problems are those aspects of social life that cause private unhappiness or public friction , and are identified by those in power as needing some kind of social policy to deal with them .
10 Loam-based composts are more limey , so if you use rainwater or live in a soft water area , using John Innes compost is especially important .
11 The difference between material relations and social relations is that knowledge can transform the nature of social relations but knowledge can transform only the specificity of material relations .
12 Salient features are those features of a dialect which are likely to be imitated by a would-be mimic , or accommodated to by a would-be member of the community .
13 They are present in varying degrees throughout the period of this book ; the degree of their influence , their role in the construction of social consensus or in unifying disparate social forces is another factor that must be taken into account .
14 Hoping to convince other pupils of the value of studying the language , the teenagers wrote to the famous and the not-so-famous to find out whether Latin lessons are any use in modern life .
15 ‘ Oh , I was just thinking what a pity it is that all good-looking men are such beasts , ’ she said , with more real feeling than she intended .
16 His causal explanation relied on two factors : that primitive humans were all criminals ( even in terms of the definitions of crime operating in nineteenth-century Italy ! ) and that contemporary criminals ( or an important section of them ) were genetic throwbacks to these primitives .
17 Context : Brundtland , Rio , Agenda 21 ; UK 's Environment White Papers ; public consultations being this report ; cross-references to Climate Change plan , Biodiversity plan , and forest principles plan .
18 Standing orders and direct debits are both ways of authorising the payment of regular sums from your current account to a specifically maned person or organisation .
19 These and dissertations , extended essays and historical papers are all part of the general information we receive .
20 To prepare for the Great Return , Iraqi workmen were this week assiduously painting zebra-stripes on the deserted streets .
21 In 1988 , while politicians made a show of picking up litter in London parks to encourage public concern , other European countries were several steps ahead in implementing hard-hitting environmental policies .
22 It is easy to inject a mouse to stimulate its B cells , but injecting a human with something just to create monoclonal antibodies is another matter .
23 For the purposes of civil policing , subversive activities are those activities directly or indirectly involving criminal conduct , which threaten national security , or which are calculated to overthrow or undermine parliamentary democracy and the institutions of the state .
24 The ‘ native aristocracy ’ of Kandyan districts were all members of the Goyigama caste , and most were members of the Radala subcaste which had been influential in the Kandyan Kingdom .
25 Though she was a performer of indisputable talent , one was none the less left with a nagging impression that overarching each of her individual characteristics was another role , one she played to the hilt : that of the grande dame , the First Lady of the American cinema , the Duse of the double-feature .
26 The three other sonnets which present no personal relationships are all generalizations about love .
27 This hatred of accepted barriers was another throwback to his distaste for Victorian attitudes still practised in many Northern towns .
28 Cirrhosis of the liver , bone-marrow atrophy and nervous disorders are all part of the price paid for this common household poison .
29 One of the problems with consultation over several different language versions and many subject areas is that revision becomes slow and difficult to coordinate .
30 So what fundamentally came out of those early years was this sense of community .
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