Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of the more commonly heard complaints against the existing management structure from top athletes is that its detachment from the road race scene leaves management ill-equipped to make selection decisions for road races in major internationals .
2 Having done so , I find the one feature that is common to both the New Zealand and British schemes is that their basic purpose is to relieve financially-embarrassed governments of claims for further investment .
3 The characteristic of less developed countries is that their consumption of both wood and steel , that is the total tonnage of their artifacts , is less .
4 Early indications are that its findings and recommendations will not please the market lobby .
5 It was unfit even for grazing purposes and its main function in human terms was that its near edges provided a useful if unofficial dumping ground for anything and everything .
6 One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity .
7 A frequent complaint of black students is that their reports of racial abuse and violence are habitually ignored or their racial elements denied by white teachers .
8 The one thing Katherine had n't bargained for when she executed her well-laid plans was that her brother Leo might not be home when she arrived .
9 Noble Lords is whether my Right Honourable Friend i is taking too much er er power to use an unpleasant word and I think actually a wrong word er i in the appointment of those who have been selected by a different and an independent system .
10 One benefit deriving from advancing years is that my clerk diverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest .
11 A feature of statistical predictors is that their accuracy when applied to future subjects can be disappointing relative to the accuracy apparent from the cases on which the predictor was constructed .
12 A more serious problem with Deffenbacher 's approach in terms of the ability to generalize the results to other settings is that his distinction between studies which did and did not successfully manipulate violence level or personal threat can be argued to be post hoc .
13 The main conclusion to be drawn from this brief random survey of a number of undefended settlements is that their size and importance appear to have been disregarded when decisions were taken as to the places to be fortified .
14 What elevated Griffith above his fellow technicians was that his sense of what a camera should record and his appreciation that new dimensions of filmic space could be appropriated were given meaning by their constant reference to central themes of American life .
15 An obvious and useful property of triangular matrices is that their determinants are simply the products of their diagonal terms .
16 The reason for a lot of these premature deaths was that their owners did not sufficiently understand the importance of cash flow .
17 One of the main reasons is that our system of democratic parliamentary self-government is incompatible with the Brussels machine , which has an unelected Commission with the sole power of initiative and right of veto , a Council of Ministers which legislates in secret , the so-called Parliament , which is not really a Parliament , has no roots in this country and will never be the focus of the hopes , aspirations and loyalties of our people , and a Community court , which in many ways is a political court and engine of federalism , standing above Parliament .
18 One of their main concerns is that their children or grandchildren are to be placed for adoption with no continuing contact with family members , including brothers and sisters .
19 The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need .
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