Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Flaming Ears was the fourth and I joined three of my colleagues in a mini-mass walkout of this totally unstructured , ineptly shot , meaningless mish-mash of an Austrian vampire lesbian flick set in the year 2700 .
2 Tune into the harmony of your developing fragrance : Top Notes are the first scent you 'll smell , but these are volatile and do n't last .
3 Algeria , which with 12,000,000 French speakers was the second largest French-speaking country after France , did not attend , viewing the gathering as a remnant from colonial days .
4 The French shops were the first to use the dark green exterior , which became an instantly recognizable hallmark of ‘ country ’ quality , and were also the first to have architect-designed wooden interiors .
5 Scottish parents are the second most generous , giving an average £4.50 a week .
6 Licensed dealers are the last places on earth to serve as sanctuaries from such treatment .
7 Once elected , however , bashing foreign firms is the last thing he should do , especially if he wants to boost jobs .
8 Scottish members were the first to take advantage of this development but others were not far behind .
9 McKee ( 1987 ) reports that siblings of unemployed men were the second most important category ( after parents ) to give assistance .
10 The general cultural journals were the first to suffer .
11 Scandinavian countries were the first to have to close waterways because of poisoning problems and now Britain has a potential crisis .
12 Greek and Roman objects were the first works the Met acquired after its founding in 1870 , but in recent years the department has figured far less prominently than other areas which have undergone elaborate reinstallation .
13 Agreeing operational requirements is the first and most tiresome obstacle .
14 Korean establishments were the first the crowd seems to have made for .
15 ENCOURAGING savers was the last thing on the Chancellor 's mind and the Budget contained no significant initiatives .
16 The key words were the last .
17 See what I 'm saying is the key task if you break it down is what are the key elements is the first way of identifying a trainee .
18 Basic linguistic products such as phonetic spellcheckers were the first electronic handhelds to be brought to market .
19 The current excavations are the first time that the theatre 's remains have been seen since that destruction .
20 The prediction of radiation from black holes was the first nontrivial result of combining Einstein 's general relativity with the quantum principle .
21 The idea of radiation from black holes was the first example of a prediction that depended in an essential way on both the great theories of this century , general relativity and quantum mechanics .
22 One area where the Kennedy administration had started out with great hopes was the Third World .
23 On present evidence it appears that Classical Greek craftsmen were the first to employ enamel , but that it was the Byzantine Greeks who carried the craft to a new level of accomplishment in the service of the imperial court and the rituals of eastern Christianity .
24 Four Independent Companies were the first British special service forces in action in World War II .
25 The jobless figures were the first economic indicators to come out during the campaign , there are many more before election day .
26 Some of the most beautiful mosaics are the thirteenth century pictures covering the vault of the great narthex .
27 Single mothers and separated mothers were the next largest groups at around 20 per cent each and widows and lone fathers ( of whom two thirds are divorced or separated and almost a quarter widows ) are the smallest groups .
29 i watched the game at a sports pub here in Trondheim with lots of other Leeds-fans and i think a saw an ipswich shirt or two also ; - ) — in fact the Scandinavian Whites is the third largest supporter club in Scand. — after Scum and Liverpool .
30 It is known that Israeli doctors were the first outside medical experts to reach the scene .
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