Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [am/are] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although it may be that the libraries without extensive programmes are precisely the libraries who could benefit most from more vigorous analysis of training needs .
2 Professional musicians are mostly a cynical lot — they 've heard it all before and played it all before too .
3 At the same time it has to be admitted that pecuniary considerations are only a guide and there is authority that defective goods can be unmerchantable per se , for example as in the case of underpants impregnated with sulphate ( Grant v Australian Knittings Mills Ltd [ 1936 ] AC 85 ) .
4 The components of this managerialism are given below : l Management tasks in the public and private sectors are essentially the same ( the fundamental premise of the Griffiths report ) .
5 Early 2.8-litre cars are perhaps the best value around , particularly those with high mileage .
6 Second , we should not forget that political parties are only a part of the political system and they are not in sole control of Britain 's economic destiny .
7 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
8 On almost the whole of the exposed parts of the western coasts of Britain both the prevalent and dominant winds are the westerlies , but on the east coast , where the prevalent winds are still the westerlies , the dominant winds are the easterlies , as the westerly winds are blowing offshore and are incapable of producing waves affecting the coast .
9 In order to understand how such a theory might be constructed we should begin by recognizing that social movements are essentially a phenomenon of modern societies .
10 PEUGEOT cordless drills are obviously an attractive prize as our wordsearch competition ( WW/Nov.91/p.1143 ) brought a pile of correct answers into the Woodworker office .
11 Dry , crisp cakes are often the result of an oven temperature that is too hot .
12 The old days are always the ‘ bad old days ’ .
13 If the answer is yes , public subsidies are simply a transfer payment to Airbus shareholders , for which there is no strong economic rationale .
14 Muddy colours in the aura indicate negative emotions or ill health ; clear colours are generally a positive sign .
15 The hard fact is however that such altruistic dealers are still the rarity and more often than not the innocent computer customer will come face to face with an almost equally innocent computer sales person !
16 Sociologists have also strongly questioned the fallacy that social problems are necessarily the product of ‘ bad ’ things .
17 The old jokes are STILL the best
18 Important concepts in the social sciences are largely the product of their political and socio-economic environment and the human capital theory is no exception .
19 While I am in agreement with the opinion that during recent rugby contests involving England and France many irresponsible and regrettable actions have been carried out by individuals , I refuse to accept that the French players are always the villains and that the English team are as innocent as the colour of their jersey suggests .
20 Slowish tempos are also the order of the day in Book 2 , where the demisemiquavers of ‘ La terrasse des audiences ’ seem deliberate and its atmosphere too clearly lit , while ‘ Ondine ’ begins too loudly and its scherzando marking goes unrealized .
21 Cultural differences are often the hardest facts for expatriates to accept .
22 The most highly specialized crustacea are probably the barnacles ( Cirripedia ) and individual barnacle plates are rather commonly encountered in rocks of Cretaceous age and younger .
23 Reactive free radicals are often the active species controlling complex chemical reactions , yet they are difficult to understand because of the problems in studying them .
24 The discrepancies among published reports are partly a result of the very considerable scatter of ratios between the different enzymes in normal subjects .
25 But because of the special circumstances of York we 've got to first define and refine the area of search to a specific corridor and then the other locational criteria are just a guidance , first we take the proposals forward to the local plan stage .
26 It is impossible to give a meaningful figure of the total personnel employed in social services , as definitions vary too much , but the social services are now an important sector of employment , and many of the personnel involved require training .
27 Social Services are really a help , we could choose to ignore that , I have to say that I 'm not aware of that happening , and I think it 's very unlikely .
28 This means that the total household cash contributions to every form of charity , of which social services are only a small part , was not more than about 5,000 million , or one fifth of the cost of the NHS .
29 For Garfinkel , the founder of ethnomethodology , social events are entirely the product of the actions of those ‘ members ’ involved at any particular moment .
30 The same applies , I believe , to the question under discussion , except that while our sexual desires are now the subject of free and frank discussion , our homicidal ones still dare not speak their name .
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