Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [that] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These motives , by dint of repeated presentation to the mind , counterbalance the powerful impressions of the private passions that oppose the common good ( Beccaria , 1963 , p. 12 ) .
2 This will suit most bulbs , and annual or late-flowering perennial climbers that use the hedge for support .
3 In others the seeds hang out on funicles and are dispersed by bats ; others have persistent calyces that allow the fruit to float .
4 to identify the political and economic groups that have an incentive either to promote and support particular prevention policies or to obstruct and oppose them ;
5 There has indeed been an obvious effort by Mr Rabin 's government to bolster the Palestine Liberation Organisation at the expense of the Islamic groups that reject the notion of peace with the Jewish state .
6 The specifically indeterminate forms that inhabit the underside of misericords — birds with human heads , dragons with foliage tails — give way to bats , cats , men — on horseback or performing somersaults under the ledge to balance it on various parts of their anatomy .
7 Between the extremes are solid modellers that treat an image as if it were solid — a kind of ‘ clay model ’ in a computer .
8 Thus political programmes that envisage an alternative form of society , or even major institutional changes in the way that existing society is constituted , are effectively disenfranchised by the current model of representative democracy .
9 While the merits and demerits of this argument have been explored extensively , one major objection to it is that it begs the question of who identifies and defines the ‘ need ’ for an expansion in public intervention , and how a perceived need results in specific policies that produce an expanded state sector .
10 In an article on political interviews on Israeli television , Blum-Kulka ( 1983 ) explains that English tends to use expressions such as Let's … and Shall we … in directing the actions of others , in controlling talks , and in making polite requests that have the force of commands .
11 I was present at the sale and bought a set of Keesing 's Contemporary Archives which have proved invaluable though I have used them with the usual misgivings that accompany the enjoyment of a benefit which has been denied to others .
12 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA and IBM Corp came together in Paris last week to put the finishing touches to their collaborations , announcing successful conclusion of specific contracts that comprise the far-reaching open-systems technology and associated manufacturing alliance announced on January 28 .
13 She emerged at the start of this year with the album Little Earthquakes , a collection of quietly rapturous songs that cast an unflinching eye across such subjects as loss of virginity , shattered romance and kinky sexual encounters .
14 Just on the hill-side above the starting-point is a little cottage — one of the large family of rural homes that adorn the Highland hills .
15 Environmental policy : how to apply economic instruments , targets economic sectors that have a major impact on the environment , ie energy , transport , agriculture and industry and OECD believe it will prove useful to governments , business , industry and pressure groups concerned about the environment and sustainable economic development .
16 Leading indicator variables are particular economic variables that have a proven ability to signal the movement of the economy in advance .
17 The scanner is showing strange pictures that bear no resemblance to what is outside .
18 Hyperbolic paraboloids can be grouped to form undulating shells that present a continuous waveform .
19 At present exploration companies are much interested in the nickeliferous laterites that overlie the serpentinites on Santa Isabel , and geochemical work has revealed a number of nickel and other metal anomalies that warrant further attention .
20 At present exploration companies are much interested in the nickeliferous laterites that overlie the serpentinites on Santa Isabel , and stream-sediment geochemical work carried out by the Ministry has revealed a number of nickel and other metal anomalies that warrant further attention .
21 His hands were large , with swollen knuckles and the long , nervous , hammer-ended fingers that betray a weak centre of life .
22 This means that the black hole will tend to attract those members of the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs that have the opposite charge and repel those that have a like charge .
23 Proponents of this view contend that it is the intensity of social deprivation and its institutionalization in centralized state policies , production processes , and social attitudes that constitute a sufficiently novel form of structured dependence to render it qualitatively different from reliance by elderly people on Poor Law , charity , or family in the past .
24 The term autopoiesis was coined in the mid-1970s to characterise a ‘ living ’ system as a structure defined by a boundary within which occurs a series of interdependent reactions that regenerate the boundary and its components , which then assemble in the structure itself .
25 If , in a given species , animals at a particular stage of their lives habitually live with relatives , then selection will favour altruistic acts that cause a net increase in the number of the relevant genes , whether or not an animal can recognize its own relatives .
26 A complete Pterygote ovipositor , according to the interpretation of Scudder ( 1971 ) , consists of ( 1 ) a pair of small coxites of the 8th abdominal segment , each bearing ( 2 ) a gonapophysis , which forms an anterior ( ventral or first ) ovipositor valve ; ( 3 ) a pair of small coxites of the 9th segment , which bear ( 4 ) the paired gonapophyses that form the inner ( posterior or second ) ovipositor valves , as well as ( 5 ) a coxal extension or gonoplac , forming the dorsal ( lateral or third ) ovipositor valve .
27 Or it is like the light pictures that enter the eyes lenses and escape into the vastness of the tundra and like ice crystals on the windows , they freeze and become the light flowers that bloom on the endless snow fields .
28 Mammalian faunas on isolated continental fragments could evolve , at least for a time , separately from faunas in other parts of the world , producing a whole series of peculiar animals that have no direct relationships to animals with a similar mode of life elsewhere .
29 This can be produced in two ways : by harnessing organisms that photosynthesise and by using biotechnological methods that involve the provision of non-photosynthetic organisms with oxygen , nutrients such as carbon , nitrogen and phosphorus , and energy .
30 Information technology is impotent without a versatile and effective mechanism for channelling the electronic signals that encode the information .
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