Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] of the " in BNC.

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1 It is my intention to keep hon. Members informed of the temporary arrangements that will be made for the UKIAS refugee unit .
2 All suitable habitat was surveyed after Brazilian and British scientists warned of the bird 's disappearance .
3 Mr Williams said the condition of the plant at Torness does credit to SNL and shows the management and staff are clearly committed to the high standards demanded of the nuclear industry .
4 Answer guide : A sole proprietorship has one owner whereas a partner has at least two , partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts of the partnership , there needs to be separate accounts kept of the transactions relating to each partner , agreements need to be reached regarding profit shares etc .
5 Scientific work into the effects of vitamin E deficiency revealed that , in extreme cases , male animals deprived of the vitamin for a long period suffered irreparable damage to their testes .
6 The plate tectonics model proposes that the Earth 's surface comprises seven major , and at least a dozen minor , lithospheric plates composed of the crust and the upper , more rigid , part of the mantle ( Fig. 2.14 ) .
7 Even in Clare 's own country , the railway has been absorbed into the landscape , and one can enjoy the consequent pleasure of trundling through Rutland in a stopping-train on a fine summer morning : the barley fields shaking in the wind , the slow sedgy streams with their willows shading meditative cattle , the elegant limestone spires across the meadows , the early Victorian stations built of the sheep-grey Ketton stone and still unaltered , the warm brown roofs of the villages half buried in the trees , and the summer light flashing everywhere .
8 When you act for a buyer , always go through the answers you receive to your preliminary enquiries , search and additional enquiries made of the local authority , marking each of these with a tick if it is satisfactory , or with a cross if it is not , or if it requires further elucidation .
9 So , when acting in such a case , add to your additional enquiries made of the local authority , or better in a letter , some such enquiry as this : Is the Authority aware of any infilling or any geological stratum which might result in the instability of the foundations of any building erected on the site for which planning consent has been granted ?
10 The research will involve the study of official records kept of the exercise of powers , observation of the handling of cases by the police , and interviews with police officers of all ranks ; it will be conducted in three separate subdivisions presenting different kinds of policing problems .
11 Meanwhile , the rise of ‘ a new kind of economy … threatening to many , demanding rapid changes in work , life-style and habits , hurls large populations terrified of the future into spasms of diehard reaction … instead of the much-touted end of ideology , we may , in both global and domestic affairs , see a multiplicity of new ideologies spring up … instead of President Bush 's famous thousand points of light we may well face a thousand fires of fury . ’
12 Gilbert and Specht show that project workers used client participation effectively in the planning stage , where the process was the main consideration , work was non-directive , and the major skills needed of the worker were interactional in nature .
13 His great sermons warned of the dangers of being controversial and subjective but confirmed that the movies could greatly increase their emotional power as a story-telling medium by developing a surer sense of society .
14 Various international bodies warned of the need to impose radical austerity measures without delay if adverse trends were to be reversed .
15 ‘ Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time . ’
16 This last phrase — ‘ no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time ’ — my father would repeat with a laugh and shake his head admiringly .
17 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
18 Crates belonging to millionaires were impressive : beamed and lined with sailcloth , they had solid , elegant walls made of the most expensive grades of tropical wood , with the rings and knots cut and polished like antiques .
19 As a result , metal-working ( which was hardly developed at all in North American native cultures ) was widespread in Siberia from the second millennium BC , and long before the seventeenth century AD all its indigenous peoples either worked iron themselves or used artefacts made of the precious metal when these could be obtained by trade .
20 Essex , one of the new universities born of the last years of Macmillan 's rule , was occupied .
21 There they used the water power to drive large hammers and grinding wheels made of the local Millstone Grit .
22 As Gerry and his fellow villagers talked of the better days to come , a carload of American tourists pulled up in the street beside him and asked for directions to ‘ Dannygal ’ .
23 Unfortunately there are few certain identifications noted of the species of wood used .
24 Young girls frightened of the pain the act causes .
25 Also known as the ‘ hippogriff ’ , these were winged creatures born of the union of a male GRIFFIN and a filly .
26 You can express yourself by planting in ancient wooden wheelbarrows or new ones made of the purpose .
27 This took place when Chris was having the final photographs taken of the new replica range .
28 Many ancient villages contain venerable barns built of the same materials as local cottages .
29 Thorpe Marsh Reserve was created when quick-witted local naturalists learned of the proposed building of embankments to enclose an extensive ash disposal area .
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