Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] against [art] " in BNC.

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1 Orford Ness , where a staff of 2,000 once worked , has been involved in national defence research and development since the First World War when aircraft fitted with armaments were first tested.Research into bomb ballistics was carried out from 1929 and among the researchers was Barnes Wallis who became famous for inventing the bouncing bombs used against the Mohne and Eder dams during the Second World War .
2 Mr Justice Hirst ordered a stay of English proceedings brought against the first defendant .
3 His deputy , Robert Forgan , had satisfactory talks with Neil Francis Hawkins about the amalgamation of the New Party with the British Fascists , but the grand council of the British Fascists voted against a merger by one vote in May 1932 after its founder Rotha Lintorn Orman , who was very suspicious of Mosley and regarded him as a near communist , vigorously opposed the change .
4 In Latin America a second wave of nationalism , which may be regarded as a continuation of the national independence struggles against the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the early nineteenth century , has developed vigorously in the present century in opposition to American economic dominance , and has been connected more or less closely with socialist and reforming movements directed against the internal domination of these societies by an upper class composed of landowners , and more recently , of elements of a national bourgeoisie .
5 Coeliac disease : characterisation of monoclonal antibodies raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 206–217 of A-gliadin
6 The titres of the five monoclonal antibodies produced against the synthetic A-gliadin peptide and the control antibody J13 are shown in Table I. Figure 1 shows titration curves for three of the antibodies .
7 It recently boycotted a visit by a South African diplomat to Darlington , saying it was too early to allow the economic barriers erected against the country 's apartheid policies to be brought down .
8 Contrary to popular opinion this row of picturesque houses huddled against the castle wall did not house the alchemists of Rudolf 's court , but the craftsmen of the castle .
9 The Philippines government had agreed to drop all pending or future suits filed against the Marcoses in the USA in return for Marcos property there worth some $8,000,000 .
10 Anorexic Primrose , thirteen years and five stones , delicate eyes closed against a world she refused to recognise , hands folded white and nun-like , or worse , beneath a sharp chin .
11 Executed in 1884 , it depicts in detail a group of typical characters set against the bustle of the market .
12 There were a few houses here and there , some clearly centuries old , their stones weathered to a cream , and pale sand , dark shutters closed against the power of the south-western sun .
13 It is only a shame that Tory and some Liberal MPs voted against the Bill .
14 Suddenly the road grew wider and the trees were left behind as they reached a small town of almost glaringly white buildings set against a backdrop of hills and fronted by a tiny harbour .
15 Seated beneath a standard lamp , glass in hand , impressionist art on the wall and thick floor-length curtains closed against the night , he found it possible to believe he was almost anywhere but where he really was .
16 These losses are not easily replaced and are further compounded by the continuing introduction of new aircraft types such as Boeing 747–400 and 767 into service , each with new complexities and associated diagnostic challenges balanced against the requirements of older fleet types .
17 By the late neolithic , Knossian house plans had become quite elaborate , with square fireplaces set against a wall or in the centre of the room , and with neighbouring dwellings juxtaposed to make a cellular layout familiar in Early Minoan villages such as Fournou Korifi ( Myrtos ) and the temples that were to be built in the Middle Minoan .
18 This effect looks like that of normal human faces stretched against a latex film .
19 The ladies rode with white umbrellas raised against the morning sun .
20 First , what are the world 's protected areas and how many square miles set against the 54,807,420 square miles of the earth 's land surface ?
21 — the most common woodpecker at Salcey ; the same size as a blackbird , it moves through the tops of the trees in a series of hops with stiff tall feathers pressed against a branch for support .
22 The surging crowds pressed against the grille and clamoured for attention .
23 He was n't going to be as heavily built as his father , but was lithe and agile , and she loved to watch him going after gulls ' eggs out by Blackbottle Rocks , his long legs braced against the cliff face and the muscles in his neck and back standing out like cords as he heaved himself up over a ledge .
24 He hoisted the rope to the very top of the hill , leaped into space with his bare feet wedged against the big knot and soared like an eagle over the tree tops .
25 The hotel consists of three inter-connecting buildings set against the cliff side .
26 The battle was fought out in three short Parliaments which met between 1679 and 1681 , after which politics was driven out-of-doors for the rest of the reign , whilst during the period of the Tory Reaction a successful campaign of legal recriminations taken against the political enemies of the Court meant that the first Whigs as a political movement were almost destroyed .
27 Now that it no longer seems so shocking that the town should have grown as it has , the newer half is in fact the more attractive , a fine example of what you might call the Thermal-Imperial style , imposing even in its incongruity , up here in the mountains , with its tall bourgeois hotels framed against the surrounding woods and crags .
28 Angry feet slapped against the stone stairs .
29 It may have been shortly after this that he served ( so J. Capgrave says ) in the Italian crusades launched against the enemies of Pope John XXII .
30 The sudden success and appeal of Easy Rider was not without its critics ; indeed , there were some heavy broadsides launched against the film in the media .
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