Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a warm smile .
2 She had sat on the seat cover , resting her head on the porcelain of the washbasin , licking dry lips and bringing her breathing down .
3 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
4 Hilary Wade thanked English Estates and said she was particularly pleased the conservation of the Pease portrait ‘ an important piece of work for Middlesbrough ’ could go ahead .
5 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
6 She paints hearts in lots of different colours and says she has no intention of branching out into other organs of the body .
7 Anyway , after I 'd introduced her to a few different locations and got her over the initial newness of the experience , she seemed perfectly willing to come to me .
8 As Ann Butler led Sarah towards the stairs , to help her out of her wet clothes and rub her down with dry towels , Jonadab seized her hand in both his .
9 Earlier that afternoon , Katherine had stood before the French doors and watched her some and daughter playing in the snow outside .
10 Receiving no answer , and wondering if the woman had understood , she was about to repeat the question in Italian when Rosa opened one of several handsomely carved doors and ushered her into a large sitting-room .
11 That meant that social workers would collect the child from the foster parents and take her to a venue where the grandparents would be able to visit , said Mr Nott .
12 In the film , Helena is a woman who is rescued from a car accident by a doctor who then amputates her injured legs and unhurt arms and keeps her as a hostage in a box , hoping she will fall in love with him .
13 Aides had denied she had any moral objections but said she had longstanding private engagements to fulfil .
14 Angela is planning a traditional wedding but the dresses she had seen were too romantic and frilly , and she was unsure about what to do with her make-up as she normally wears quite strong colours but felt she wanted to tone them down for her wedding day .
15 Later he responds more positively to Vera 's shy advances and embraces her gently but respectfully when they are interrupted by Natalia .
16 He would just look at her with those piercing eyes and make her feel as vulnerable as she was beginning to realise she was .
17 He interrupted himself to explain , ‘ I did n't make any false promises or give her a lot of romantic fantasy to persuade her .
18 In the safe solitude of her bedroom , Shannon quickly stripped off her dressing-gown and pulled on the lightweight jogging-pants and sweatshirt she 'd travelled in .
19 Michele secured the motor-boat to one of the mooring rings and handed her out .
20 Everyone appreciated her saintlike qualities and loved her .
21 Raising a hand , Vitor clasped her chin in his long fingers and held her almost fiercely for a moment .
22 Jason was jealous of her ability to come up with consistently good ideas and saw her as a threat to his career .
23 Ashley gazed up into dark brown eyes which were sending intimate messages and telling her everything she had been longing to hear .
24 Until she was eighteen , her father had educated her himself ; he had dressed her in navy serge and black stockings and made her read John Stuart Mill for an hour every evening .
25 To grime the sink and foul towels and let her
26 A woman knelt down next to one of the stricken and bleeding girls and told her she got what she deserved ; another tried to prevent first-aid being given to the policeman and taunted his suffering .
27 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
28 She went to rush past him but he caught her bare arms and swung her round , grasping her shoulders to hold her still .
29 He took off her outdoor clothes and sat her on his lap .
30 Jumping in after her , Perdita pulled off Enid s wig to reveal scant grey wisps and pushed her under the water , where the aquamarine hostess gown billowed up to display fawn pop socks at the end of fat , purple legs .
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