Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adj] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Here information is given out to potential squatters detailing empty and derelict homes suitable for squatting .
2 In this way too Compacts can be seen as a mechanism for creating a more collaborative approach amongst all the different agencies responsible for providing education , training and employment .
3 These are specialised qualifications necessary for working in particular professions , such as architecture , law and accountancy ; they are awarded by the professional body concerned .
4 Instrumentation and instrumental techniques necessary for bringing the laws of the paradigm to bear on the real world will also be included in the paradigm .
5 This touched a chord in the women 's experience : most had been , at some time , dependent wives responsible for feeding and clothing a family .
6 The growth of suburbia and the use of the motor car , it was argued , were making the old boundaries irrelevant for planning Purposes and a cause of friction between existing local authorities .
7 There are several different formats available for printing out colour patterns .
8 They have been able to take advantage of their good standing internationally to raise funds on fine terms which could then be converted into floating-rate liabilities suitable for financing the acquisition of floating-rate sterling assets .
9 It is a matter of history that the profession has six separate organisations responsible for managing differing aspects of its affairs .
10 This post is available for a graduate in chemistry , physics or materials science to investigate materials for use in rechargeable batteries suitable for powering a new generation of consumer products .
11 The only persistent jarring note came from civil servants responsible for framing safety regulations and administering the various safety committees .
12 Information seekers found personal conversations useful for gaining information about leaders and issues .
13 a clear mission and powers for the national archives responsible for maintaining the nation 's memory ;
14 It does not seem ever to have been satisfactorily answered why the two first operational atomic bombs were used — against the strongly voiced wishes of the leading physicists responsible for developing them — to destroy two cities instead of being deployed in the equivalent of spectacularly shooting out candles .
15 Sign systems and informational graphics are one of the most basic ways available for providing orientation about the use of the library .
16 I had agreed to be co-author , but it was not until seven years after his retirement that work could begin , for only then had his committee activities abated to an extent which allowed the long periods necessary for writing and discussion .
17 Also on the Bank 's agenda are the setting up of companies to manufacture clean-up equipment and loans to strengthen existing environmental agencies responsible for overseeing environmental matters .
18 The characteristically wide , triangular-shaped head accommodates large venom glands as well as powerful muscles necessary for squeezing the fast-acting venom through a single pair of fangs into the prey 's body .
19 Of the numerous formulations available for expressing a given message , a speaker or writer will normally opt for one that makes the flow of information clearer in a given context .
20 It would be possible to search through the file until the record was located , but this technique , and the more refined methods available for searching sequential files in which there is no direct relationship between the record key and its storage location , are too slow for the needs of most enquiry systems .
21 This type of view is very prevalent amongst black sportsmen , though some even trace the causes back to Africa , an environment which was thought to foster physical abilities useful for running fast , jumping far and being strong .
22 developing cultural and linguistic attributes necessary for functioning effectively in the black community ;
23 Full facilities available for eating .
24 This can be seen as physiological immaturity or a deficiency in learning where the child has not learned the series of conditioned reflexes necessary for achieving bladder control .
25 There will be four general managers responsible for buying and marketing in WHS Retail .
26 Within the Newtonian paradigm , for instance , typical theoretical puzzles involve devising mathematical techniques for dealing with the motion of a planet subject to more than one attractive force , and developing assumptions suitable for applying Newton 's laws to the motion of fluids .
27 Similarly , as pointed out by an exploratory group working on aesthetic assessment , there are no available procedures suitable for assessing artistic appraisals and these need to be developed ( APU , 1983 ) .
28 Luckily for us , this was taken into account when the Creation 6 program was developed and , instead of having numerous proportional grids available for designing , we have the basic one of squares .
29 There are various options available for providing Newco with funds .
30 Secondly , we shall need to contemplate the various options available for disposing of the company 's properties .
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