Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that in the early stages of the industrial system , tactics like machine-breaking by agricultural labourers may indeed have reflected a clash between workers ‘ traditionalistic outlook ’ and the new methods of technical efficiency .
2 Assessing the impact of government policies on the income distribution is important not only because the intention of some policies is deliberately to alter it , but also because efficiency-directed policies will invariably have some impact on the distribution of income and wealth .
3 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
4 What Arrhenius did not know was that there is a large amount of X-radiation washing about in space , and to this his hypothetical spores would certainly have been vulnerable .
5 The corresponding trees are shown in Fig. 8.6 but it should be remembered that non-basic variables can also have a positive We will use the same initial BFS as in Section 8.2 , but the method of constructing an initial BFS described in Section 8.3 can be modified to produce a good ( low cost ) feasible , or nearly feasible ( few infeasible variables ) , solution .
6 Different institutions may well have different costs and different maximands due to differing efficiencies or other strengths , but there is no absolute standard of efficiency , because of the informational constraints .
7 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
8 For not only would the developers — who always did have a reputation as sharp dressers — be examples of sartorial elegance but the traditionally staid chartered surveyors would also have swapped their green-check jackets and corduroy trousers for double-breasted suits , red braces and ties that were more of a ‘ statement ’ than a fashion accessory .
9 The rather clumsy adaptations of his Masses , The Meane Mass and Small Devotion , to English words can hardly have been his own .
10 Again the needs of dying people of different faiths will increasingly have to be addressed and a social worker can offer knowledge and support to residential staff .
11 I am perfectly certain , indeed I do not think any one can doubt this , that our Party on the old lines will never have any future again in this country . "
12 Some of the beautifully carved crosses could originally have been re-shaped pagan monuments .
13 The larger second-class stations would also have a separate ladies ' waiting-room .
14 It is admitted that the gradings assigned to the respective countries have been done on a subjective basis and that different observers might well have come up with somewhat different rankings .
15 The evidence hinted that British officials could even have encouraged the deal [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ; 38743 ] .
16 Social workers should never have to be in a situation where a small child slips through the net and dies .
17 Social workers should always have as clear a plan as possible for the child , and implement it in a shorter time than normal .
18 London Scot , David Millard , scheduled to play in Saturday 's A international in Aberdeen , is a renowned sevens exponent and but for his osteopathic studies would surely have made this journey .
19 An embarrassing historical fact for falsificationists is that if their methodology had been strictly adhered to by scientists then those theories generally regarded as being among the best examples of scientific theories would never have been developed because they would have been rejected in their infancy .
20 Acute social divisions may indeed have induced violence , a disruption of settled married life and so on , but there is no need to assume that relationships within the working class were intrinsically any more lacking in feeling than relationships amongst other classes , just because they took different forms .
21 Hon. Members could easily have been misled by referring to a previous Hansard which shows that a substantial number of ships are on order but fails to reflect the Government 's commitment to naval shipbuilding .
22 Their deeper action over and above that of repeated low potency centesimals seems plain and although I have no evidence I feel that high centesimals would probably have aggravated and made more difficult the roundabout route which we followed .
23 As economic satisfactions have increased , so the scope for dissatisfaction on social issues may also have increased .
24 As part of their studies , Scottish students will also have the opportunity to participate in a work placement in Germany or Portugal .
25 The new , fresh faces will also have the nine-strong line-up for the biennial Vagliano event at Nairn in their sights this year , and it will be hoping to help the home side lift the Trophy for a fifth time in succession .
26 Lesser penalties can also have some incapacitatory effects .
27 If allies were able to provide the necessities of life , primitive valuables could have acted as a medium of exchange ; primitive valuables may also have been used as a means of contracting alliances as may marriages between members of different political groups .
28 The school magazine put it in writing : ‘ R. Jenkins has been a tower of strength in Rugby and under normal circumstances would probably have gained an International cap .
29 In a programme ranging in character from Willie was a Wanton Wag to the Englishman William Boyce 's rather inadequate attempts to sound Scottish in A Scots Cantata , Anderson 's understandable shortcomings could surely have been further compensated for by violinist Richard Gwilt , but inconsistent articulation coupled with a lack of incisiveness negated much of the music 's subtlety .
30 Another significant factor working in the same direction towards decentralised negotiations in many European countries may also have been the increased importance of foreign-owned firms , particularly US multinationals ( see Chapter 8 ) .
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