Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [Wh adv] they " in BNC.

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1 Who had done it already despite the English , French Canadians and how they felt about each other .
2 We see the move from monophonic to polyphonic practice and the changes in the musical and poetic styles and how they affected the size of the performing forces .
3 Altering the structure does not necessarily tackle practices and the more fundamental issues of how the media should treat and explain the complexity of contemporary social problems or how they should act in the face of the increasing ability of governments and other authorities to control and manipulate information .
4 All that helps to explain why businessmen are keen to talk up prospects in official surveys and why they do n't really believe all that they say .
5 Consequently , we can only understand behaviour in organizations , and , hence , how to manage them , by understanding human cognitive processes and how they influence human behaviour .
6 any cross-team initiatives and how they will be treated ( such as product , process or technique developments which overlap teams )
7 Legal advice must be taken to ascertain the exact rules and how they are applied .
8 This aims to bring the reflections of literary and cultural historians to bear on photographic portraits and how they are ‘ read ’ historically in the context of their production , potential viewers and currently fashionable theories .
9 It is one thing to speak of involving the student , " teaching concepts rather than facts " , " practising skills " and all the other catch phrases of educational discourse ; it is quite another thing to put them into practice , to find out how to involve the student , to elucidate which concepts are of most importance and which facts are necessary to their understanding , and particularly to distinguish which are the key skills and how they are to be most usefully practised with these students in this situation .
10 Despite the findings of the Dragon Project and other workers over the years , it is still too early to be at all dogmatic as to the nature of the energies at ancient sites or how they might operate .
11 Practical conservation is highly scientific , requiring an intimate knowledge and understanding of ancient materials and how they will respond to treatment .
12 However there there is there is I think some re there are relevant sections in in the county council document N Y eleven , which follows on which is the the county 's as I understand it rebuttal to the H B F's assumptions on erm the environmental constraints and how they should apply across the county .
13 PLUS — AN ALTERNATIVE THERAPY SPECIAL We look at alternative medicines and how they can help you get back on your feet after a marathon .
14 There is seldom any serious political analysis either of the ruling class(es) and how they express their interests through the state and its institutions or of ‘ civil society ’ where the conservation is supposed to happen .
15 Regarding that point , when the right hon. Gentleman saw President Yeltsin did he explain to him why until very recently this Government have said that a minimum effective deterrent is 512 nuclear warheads and why they are now saying that an effective deterrent could be fewer than 192 nuclear warheads ?
16 I was communicating God 's heart for working girls and how they are made in the image of God .
17 In our discussion of sociological explanations we will concentrate on the three major sociological perspectives and how they analyse and interpret crime — Functionalism , Interactionism and Marxism .
18 This is why individuals in groups can show marked degradation in their intellectual and critical powers and why they can be induced to do things in a group setting which their own conscience would normally forbid .
19 The true food enthusiast will appreciate the ‘ cameos ’ which focus on a variety of subjects such as the new generation of farmhouse-produced cheeses and how they are made , while the delightful drawings and colour photographs will whet the appetite .
20 It was at that point that Edward recalled the constable 's other words and how they had troubled him even then — seeming to carry a sinister note , a warning .
21 The answer is likely to be more predictable if they are continuously kept informed of what the head and governors are seeking from other local schools and how they assess their own school 's effectiveness .
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