Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 Antoine might have been blind on all normal frequencies but he knew how to assemble his do-it-yourself rig by touch and she marvelled at his deftness .
2 Eudo had replied through swollen , bloody lips that he knew nothing , so the questioners changed tack .
3 We are all structural-functionalists today , just as we are all in a way Freudians and Marxists whether we like it or not ; but we must also recognize that we do gain additional insight into the significance of social phenomena when we know where they come from spatially and temporally .
4 The idea of Dr Bray 's libraries or something very similar , but for the use of the lay public without any missionary purpose , spread across America backed by Benjamin Franklin and was soon re-exported to England , where it formed the basis of the public libraries as we know them , first as subscription libraries , then as public libraries supported by the rates .
5 I know my body bulge is in the wrong places and I know I have signs of ageing , I was reminded even this morning by a close friend about my grey hairs , which I do n't give too hoops about
6 The simplest account for the relationship between risk and recall in this study was that subjects recalled the risky situations because they knew it was an experiment about risk , this knowledge could have affected their performance both at encoding and at retrieval .
7 Erm , what I 'm aiming to do is to show you as many different techniques as I know , er , and if you pick up two or three of them that 's absolutely terrific .
8 We trace Alfred 's life back in order to find the origin of his dishonesty , but along the way we come across many peculiar situations before we know what brought them about .
9 Joe can not be a ‘ gentleman ’ because the word has social connections and we know that Joe will never be a gentleman of the social kind .
10 you know you had high standards and you knew where you were aiming for and that 's what I want my kids to go through as well , you know , somebody who 's gon na do their best
11 It 's like well it 's all been done out but it was full of old croakers and you know an old man 's sort of like the legion .
12 I kept trying to put them in bed all with the wrong ones if you know what I mean .
13 She knew they had different fathers and she knew that in each case there was only a certain number of possibilities , but beyond that all was obscure .
14 We know that black elderly people , for example , have very little contact with formal social services but we know far too little about the reasons for this .
15 John works with English hardwoods so he knew what those bulges might mean .
16 All stories were to be based on scientific and historical facts as we knew them at that time .
17 Such details matter because western telecoms companies can make only limited investments until they know when and how they might gain a return .
18 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
19 of Friday and we looked at the individual steps but we know , everybody says yes we ask the business , we came across and to put Gareth , can you take it through and explain what it is , and explain each stage so let's hear from Gareth then .
20 He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves .
21 They they left their own personal belongings and I know from very close friends that those Palestinians who did n't like the invasion they left Kuwait and went back to Jordan , so we hope they come back .
22 The liberal democracies that we know were liberal first and democratic later .
23 Many of the wars , most of the wars , are civil wars and you know the bitterness , the lingering bitterness after a civil war does n't help the children who have suffered from that war .
24 The actors of The Bill replace the real police so we know in advance who the bad eggs are straight away .
25 Indeed , some went so far as to ‘ play dumb ’ when they were with male students because they knew that the men did n't like clever women .
26 I know that my right hon. Friend and the Downing street team , the socialists with their council contracts , and the Liberal Democrats because they know a good bandwagon when they see one — and they must have seen one , because not a single Liberal Democrat is present — all claim to have sired the citizens charter concept .
27 It therefore bears scant resemblance to human relationships as we know them .
28 Because , you know , I 'd never been skiing before , so I went out all togged up , with like , my tights sort of , like , you know , thermal tights and you know , pair of track suits , sort of bottoms , plus plastic overtop and then I had like , sort of thermal top on , plus the that 's a sort of like , T-shirt , plus the polo-neck plus a jumper , plus a sort of like erm , a sort of sheepskin waistcoat and , and jacket and then this plastic thing over the top .
29 I heard the pounding of rapid footsteps and I knew straight away that it was n't a policeman ( they wear rubber soles these days ) and then somebody yelled , ‘ Hey , you ! ’
30 And if there 's no work and if there 's no means by which people can get themselves you know those sorts of basic things but you know I 'm not gon na si I I could n't say that the whole structure is going to ch change becau but I think erm I hope anyway and I do believe really that er I mean I hope that we 're going to stay together as a support group in some sort of form and Yes and there 's no way that we 're not going to support other causes in the way that we 've been supported .
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