Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
2 Hence they are traditionally identified as the combined houses and workshops of resident craftsmen .
3 NORWICH In between screenings of such classic nasties as Teeth of Death , The Belly Film and Die Baby Die , comedians John Erwin and Geoff Green will be expected to gag ( comically speaking ) and the Norwich Women 's Soul Choir to sing .
4 Emphasis is placed on the processes by which medical practitioners attempted to further themselves both professionally and socially , through intra-professional activities and interaction with local ‘ elite groups .
5 Under The Stock Exchange rules regarding rights issues , the rights must normally be sold for the benefit of the non-accepting shareholders unless arrangements to the contrary have been specifically approved by the shareholders in general meeting and The Stock Exchange has been consulted .
6 Their behaviour in Brazil was , however , complicated by the monetary authorities and policies of their home government — primarily , that of the United States since it was US banks who had taken the lead and were therefore the most exposed ( Frieden , 1987 ; Nunnenkamp , 1986 ) .
7 Nice rich reds and browns in the colour , it has only one drawback in the shape of some sharp edges which may cut you or your fish .
8 In a view which sees meaning as the product of the rules and conventions of different signifying systems , there is no role given to private meanings or intentions on the part of individuals .
9 The aim of the revised features is to up-date the scheme at the same time as maintaining a good balance between technical skills and design with the retention of a grading system .
10 Some of the men had been collecting driftwood and dry sticks and branches from among the trees ; a small fire was coming to life , crackling and spluttering sparks into the haze of heat above it .
11 References have been made to the impact that the regional policies and structure in Europe will have and to the desire of the regions to have some direct representation in Europe .
12 Clients learn specific skills and techniques for controlling anxiety and reducing stress .
13 Further off in that direction , on the site of the modern village of Makroteichos , there were Minoan houses and traces of Minoan houses have been found as far north as Palaiomilo , some 600 metres north of the temple precinct : beyond this area was the northern cemetery of Zafer Papoura .
14 It was also followed by an intensification of a process which had already begun , the adoption of European institutions and standards in other parts of the world .
15 The ‘ something else ’ refers to chunks of long-lost continents and pieces of the ocean , ranging in size from the wafer thin — about the width of a football field — to the massive — perhaps an area equal to England and Wales .
16 There are spacious arcades and galleries on all sides of the square , and on these I could see nobly sculpted medallions of famous Spaniards .
17 We will continue to help them by simplifying rules and regulations on business and through the DTI Enterprise Initiative and a range of other schemes .
18 This is unlikely to guarantee you a post on completion , but most employers will be happy to discuss possible openings or vacancies with you , subject to satisfactory references and your suitability as assessed at personal interview .
19 Similarly , Harris and her colleagues ( Brown et al. , 1986b ; Harris et al. , 1987b ) suggested that helpless attitudes and ways of thinking are a link between childhood lack of care , premarital pregnancy and depression .
20 This community is characteristic of windswept and could-ridden plateaus and hilltops in cold and humid north-west Britain .
21 ‘ My other interests involve outside professional activities as Chair of the Society of Black Lawyers and as a member of the Law Society 's Criminal Law Committee .
22 Undertake a comprehensive survey of members ' professional activities and interests as a basis for involving a larger proportion of members in Institute affairs.PS
23 This approach can only be created on the basis of managerial trust in the professional skills and attitudes of teachers .
24 Instead , the variety of functions of the youth services are described in pedagogical rather than purely bureaucratic terms , giving for the first time recognition to the specific professional skills and capacities of social workers ( Gernert , 1990 ) .
25 The chain of command must be defined and lines of reporting well established so that specialisation optimises time , man-power and professional skills and results in a better quality job produced more quickly and showing increased value for money .
26 [ An up-dated directory of innovative projects and design of units is being compiled by SAD and the Dementia Services Development Centre — to be released in November 1990 ] .
27 The research agenda encompasses the challenge posed by public management-type reforms to established modes of policy planning and administrative evaluation in French government , and the difficulties encountered in bringing about new administrative values and behaviour in a country where public administration is regulated by administrative law norms that privilege the State in its dealings with citizens .
28 This paper examines some of the features of present-day policies and practice with respect to educational integration , and argues that the framework of special education has created a ‘ dependency culture ’ ( Corker , 1990 ) of deaf people , which has its roots in alienism .
29 Wallerstein and Kelly ( 1980 ) found that ‘ only ’ children had greater exposure to parental conflicts and pressure during the divorcing period than children with brothers and sisters although many children did not consider their siblings helpful .
30 Such conflicting views or theories of style will concern us for the remainder of this chapter , but rather than argue that one view is wholly superior to another , we shall try to harmonize the apparent conflicts , so that at the end of the chapter , we shall have worked through to a balanced view of what stylistics is about .
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