Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [be] [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 But I think it is highly misleading to suggest , as Shepher ( 1971 ) has done , that development of sexual preferences is complete by the age of six in humans .
2 Wilcock , with a lifelong affinity for cultural outlaws was intrigued by Bruce , even if alarmed that the jacket pocket spilling out with hypodermics would get them both busted .
3 ‘ Time Passeth ’ , yet , but poetic values are untouched by the passing of time and what existed for and moved the man Tennyson , still exists to move man today .
4 Those socialist parties which rejected insurrectionary tactics were appalled by the growth of the Russian dictatorship .
5 But one may reasonably dispute that the French fabliaux are pornographic by this definition either .
6 Seismic waves were excited by a vertical point impulse of 7 x10 18 dyns ( ref. 15 ) .
7 The thesis is that , on the one hand , these raw recruits were disorientated by the transition to urban life and therefore unable to accept the discipline and demands of the factory .
8 By December 1989 , even French Communists were embarrassed by that sort of holiday .
9 Foreign visitors were appalled by the evidence of massive depopulation , by the sight of whole villages abandoned .
10 Schizophrenia — schizophrenic convulsions are relieved by picrotoxin from the Levan berry of S. and S. E. Asia .
11 English delegates were puzzled by the Dutch translators constant references to frozen sailors , until they realised they meant ‘ frozen semen ’ . )
12 Just in case there should be any mistake about it , these old items were spot-lit by Swedish lamps .
13 The calculation of pull-out torque at high speeds is complicated by the variations in current during the excitation time of each phase , which means that there is no longer a simple relationship between the static torque/rotor position characteristic and the pull-out torque .
14 The baronial leaders were incensed by these continued tergiversations : when the king 's ordinance was read at St Paul 's in London , there was uproar , and the terms of Edward 's proclamation issued on 25 June showed that he realized the extent and intensity of hostility to the Forest .
15 Munich dealer Bruce Levie sold four Menzel drawings , and French drawings were well-featured by both Neil Fiertag and Nicholas Joly/Yves Mikaeloff , the latter offering perhaps the widest range , from an unusually fine Guiseppe Passeri pen-and-red chalk ‘ Standing Soldier ’ to two Art Deco designs for silver covered dishes by the French designers Sue et Mare , bought by the Cooper Union Museum , New York .
16 Not surprisingly , some foster parents are bewildered by the bad behaviour .
17 Farmers in European countries were impressed by the approach to training in the UK .
18 The few remaining places are bookable by telephone through the Down District Council organisers on Downpatrick 612233 .
19 Those people who went along to hear you play ‘ Heart Of Gold ’ on the ‘ Weld ’ tour got a blast of Sonic Youth , liberal idealists were shocked by your Reagan-supporting stance in the mid-'80s , your newly-won reactionary followers were soundly ticked off with the capitalist lambasting of ‘ Freedom ’ at the close of the decade …
20 The microbes which caused dangerous diseases were unaffected by it .
21 Second , the same act makes provision for ‘ environmentally sensitive areas ’ ( ESAs ) where annual grants are payable by this ministry to farmers to enable them to follow farming practices which will achieve conservation objectives .
22 Nevertheless , Labour and Tory Euro-MPs were incensed by the suggestion and Labour front-benchers said they will block the bill when it returns to the Commons next Monday until they receive clarification from the Government of its intentions .
23 Available in three sizes to fit babies from 0–18 months , priced £11.95 , Giant Shoes are available by mail order from Giant Shoes For Little People , Packer 's Cottage , Albion St , Exeter EX4 1AZ ( 0392 219560 ) .
24 Organic farmers are delighted by the ban .
25 The great butlers are great by virtue of their ability to inhabit their professional role and inhabit it to the utmost ; they will not be shaken out by external events , however surprising , alarming or vexing .
26 Both the RCN and HVA collections are impressive , and current bibliographies are available by subscription on application to the librarians .
27 Existing tenants are unaffected by the changes , except that their mobility may be reduced .
28 These primary qualities are insufficient by themselves for a physical thing , however , since they are possessed by a volume of empty space .
29 After all , their species-specific infrared radiations are detectable by insects — either as ‘ visible scents ’ from flower and leaf and root , or from the leaf and hair structures behaving as frequency-specific aerials or from other biophysical processes which we do not understand .
30 South Africa 's first multi-racial elections are due by the middle of next year .
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