Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] because [art] " in BNC.

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1 Abortion usually provides the last chance for a woman to opt not to have a child ( unless she is prepared to offer it for adoption ) either for social reasons or because the fetus is in some way malformed .
2 In addition , there are many more millions of migrants and what might be termed environmental refugees — people leaving because of natural disasters or because the land , as the result of soil erosion , deforestation and the spread of deserts , can no longer support the population .
3 It was later to be challenged in urban Spain — not merely that of the great city but also the sizeable southern agrarian pueblo — because his parishioners were confronted with rival ideologies and because the priests tended to side with the notables .
4 They were then at even higher risk for teenage pregnancy and marrying for a negative reason ( i.e. to escape stressful circumstances or because an unwanted marriage was forced by pregnancy ) .
5 ‘ But many people will be paying out more than they save because of increased charges and because the quality of care will not be there , ’ said Mr Carr .
6 Heating probably begins at quite shallow depths but because the downgoing plate is cold virtually all of this heat is initially absorbed .
7 The number of shock wave discharges administered per session was limited to 3000 , based on experimental studies and because a higher number of discharges leads to clouding of the gall bladder with resultant suboptimal ultrasonographic visualisation caused by cavitation and fragmentation effects ( cloud of dust phenomenon ) .
8 He played a vital role because the Lords were central to Unionist tactics and because the only alternative leaders there — Selborne or Curzon — had each alienated some Unionist peers by their actions in 1911 .
9 In practice however it would appear that PGCE courses do resemble each other in many significant ways , no doubt because they have the same ultimate purposes and because the limited time available enforces a focus on fundamental issues leaving little opportunity for additional , idiosyncratic areas of study .
10 Not surprisingly they noticed the sack of Rome by the Gauls , because Massalia could not overlook such a movement of Celtic populations and because the invaders were a danger to Magna Graecia too , besides being used by Dionysius I as mercenaries .
11 Expatriates may be sent overseas because there is a specific demand for their skills , because they are needed to train local employees in particular procedures or because the expatriates themselves are to receive training so that they can return to their home countries to pass on their newly acquired skills .
12 It was either because they were non-Greek speakers or because the Romans had trouble understanding the Celtic tongue .
13 It is understandable that leases of premises in shopping centres may contain restrictions on the opening hours of the premises either because of centralised heating and other services or because the main gates to the centre , or to the servicing facilities , are closed .
14 In Reconstruction , published in 1933 , Harold Macmillan wrote , ' ’ Planning ’ is forced upon us … not for idealistic reasons but because the old mechanism which served us when markets were expanding naturally and spontaneously is no longer adequate when the tendency is in the opposite direction' .
15 Councillors can also be advantaged by their knowledge of local circumstances and because the mobility of senior officers often exceeds that of senior councillors .
16 So the council were faced were having to take a legal action because there was a whole claims that because the land was so old , nobody knew who technically owned it and it was n't registered as we owning it until nineteen sixty six , there was legal disputes about that .
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