Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] i know " in BNC.

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1 I know my body bulge is in the wrong places and I know I have signs of ageing , I was reminded even this morning by a close friend about my grey hairs , which I do n't give too hoops about
2 Erm , what I 'm aiming to do is to show you as many different techniques as I know , er , and if you pick up two or three of them that 's absolutely terrific .
3 They they left their own personal belongings and I know from very close friends that those Palestinians who did n't like the invasion they left Kuwait and went back to Jordan , so we hope they come back .
4 I heard the pounding of rapid footsteps and I knew straight away that it was n't a policeman ( they wear rubber soles these days ) and then somebody yelled , ‘ Hey , you ! ’
5 Do you it 's all to do with I suppose whether you whether you approve of dressing dogs up in little coats and I know this one does n't have a coat or does it ?
6 I went ahead and asked all the usual questions but I knew the answers already .
7 They were quite good days because I knew absolutely nothing about the music business , being at school , and he was my first boy friend who was n't upper class .
8 Besides , Rob and Tess are a couple of good dogs and I know t'moors better than Bob . ’
9 I know how to build those damned weapons but I know nothing about those fancy triggering devices . ’
10 I look forward to further reductions in unnecessary disconnections and I know that that is also the desire of the independent electricity regulator .
11 ‘ In those Go-away times that I knew you had I should have guessed you needed help . ’
12 The earliest general discussions that I know of are in the works of 17th century philosopher , René Descartes , Rules for the Direction of the Mind and Discours de la Méthode .
13 I would like to thank for the enthusiasm and commitment she has given to her ante-natal classes and I know that past ‘ students ’ will have been greatly reassured during their pregnancies by , appreciated her teaching and enjoyed her sense of humour .
14 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
15 Because at the moment , er I mean they spend a lot of money on various footpaths that I know of which are a tremendous er price so let's be a bit cautious you know , because er
16 ‘ But they will have no experience of running pubs and I know from talking to the local bench that licensing magistrates are concerned at the standard of new licensees . ’
17 Just because he came here in his working clothes and I knew he drove a lorry …
18 I do n't know about other artists but I know I have this urge to chronicle everything .
19 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
20 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and erm it was the first one I went to , but I must say that of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I 've felt most erm comfortable and happy in .
21 In due course I will answer it for you , that and many other things that I know have quizzed you these past years . ’
22 I mean there are certain things like , the general conditioners to benefit , which erm , are alright , but there are other things that I know about and that I will pass on to people to look out for that I would n't want eh , that you would n't want eh , erm , outsiders to know .
23 ‘ I felt we were treated like children rather than experienced professionals and I know many of the other lads agreed with me .
24 I felt uneasy about telling the other girls but I knew that ‘ A ’ would take it very differently from them .
25 ‘ But when I pick her up from school I 'm not allowed to look around the other girls because I know her headmistress disapproves … ’
26 I was aware what could happen , I could see that any weakness was pounced upon by the other boys and I knew that I was n't big enough or belligerent enough to bully my way out of it .
27 I I I had to do the other jobs as I know , but I used to like serving people because I used to like meeting people and sort of study people .
28 I already have five extremely amusing stories and I know these would make very interesting reading .
29 A lot of excellent furniture-makers that I know have an unreasonable fear of chair-making ; for some reason or other even the strong go limp at the thought of all those angles and curves .
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