Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But what Sheriff Irvine Smith has , with compelling cause shown , denied us in his Introduction he has amply redeemed in the justiciary cases he has placed before us and in his commentary thereon .
2 But increasingly we are finding that they are developing across the interstices of the organizational and technical skills which have served us so well in the past .
3 The loss of such a man at most other clubs would have spelt disaster , but Chapman had foreseen the danger and the solid foundations he had built at the club enabled Arsenal to win another League Championship the following year .
4 The purpose of this book is to look at the ways in which judges of the High Court , the Court of Appeal , and the House of Lords have in recent years dealt with political cases which have come before them .
5 Of the three component political groups which had founded the Labour Representation Committee thirty years before , the Marxists had mostly isolated themselves within the Communist Party , the ILP was ready to depart and the Fabian Society was moribund .
6 The British , Commonwealth and European titles he has won since then were all taken while fighting in London .
7 His uncle , sister , and brother can all be described as nationalists and although Ho seems to have been attracted at one point to the China of the 1911 Revolution , he chose instead to make his way to France where , having led an intellectually enriched but materially impoverished existence in Paris , he achieved some fame , or notoriety , among his fellow expatriates by attempting to present a list of Vietnamese grievances to Woodrow Wilson and the European statesmen who had gathered in 1919 at Versailles .
8 Will the Prime Minister therefore tell us what specific proposals he has made for supporting economic projects in the republics of the former Soviet Union , particularly in the distribution industries , which are obviously of basic importance to economic growth and to the development of markets ?
9 ( 4 ) With effect from Jan. 1 , 1994 , the federation and the Länder named in Article 1 of this treaty as well as the Trust Agency shall take over the total debts which have accrued to the Special Fund up to Dec. 31 , 1993 , in accordance with Article 27 ( 3 ) ( concerning borrowing and debts ) of the Treaty of May 18 , 1990 , between the FRG and the GDR establishing a Monetary , Economic and Social Union …
10 The size of capital grants in the UK 's LFA ( enhanced above the rates payable outside it ) has always been considered , along with HLCAs , a major incentive for agricultural improvements which has exacerbated the nature conservation/agriculture conflict in the uplands .
11 In elections for the Gaza Chamber of Commerce on Nov. 4 nationalists who backed the Madrid conference won 13 of the 16 seats , unexpectedly leaving only three to Islamic groups who had rejected the conference .
12 But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech seeks to continue economic policies which have caused a deep and damaging recession , falling output and investment , rising unemployment and record levels of business failures and house repossessions ; and call upon the Government to adopt a programme for recovery which will encourage investment and rising levels of employment by the promotion of sustained investment in the manufacturing sector , by encouraging industrial innovation through the application of science and technology and by fully exploiting the potential of the neglected regions through vigorous regional policies , and by providing new opportunities in education and training which are crucial to Britain 's economic recovery and future prosperity .
13 Homelessness is a social phenomenon , not part of the human condition , and has been created in part by economic policies which have deterred local councils , housing associations and private property owners from maintaining or developing low rental housing .
14 Three Shadow Cabinet members gave TV interviews which repudiated economic policies they had agreed just five days earlier .
15 Whether or not the work is by Hippolytus , the document is a major source for early liturgy and is the first text to witness to liturgical patterns which have remained in use .
16 Eleven bloody hours I 've driven today .
17 Geographically , Vietnam and Cuba are remote from the Soviet Union , and their ruling élites are cohesive entities which have come to power through their own efforts .
18 He had spent most of his life in England and admired both the feudal-system efficiency and military skills of the Norman knights who had administered that country since William of Normandy conquered it in 1066 .
19 The major forces of change to the farmed landscape arise primarily out of the post-war agricultural policies which have encouraged the specialisation and industrialisation of farming practice and a more intensive use of farm land .
20 If Duchamp 's inclusion is accepted , should the exhibition have found room for other European artists who have worked in the United States , such as Mondrian or Max Ernst ?
21 In September soldiers opened fire on political prisoners who had gone on hunger strike in Insein prison ( Yangon ) ; four were killed and many others were injured .
22 An amnesty of political prisoners who had renounced communism was also expected .
23 But diversifying companies found it much harder to exploit economies of scale and scope in these new fields — usually , says Mr Chandler , because they failed to make the same kind of first-mover investments they had made in their primary businesses .
24 The output of the growers is marshalled by half a dozen highly organised and professional marketers who have taken a huge slice of the market , including the multiples .
25 The historical value of their origin legend is open to question ; a national migration from the Baltic is unlikely , but the story may have been built out of traditions relating to specific groups which had played a part in the formation of the Gothic nation at various stages in its history .
26 In preparing these abbreviated accounts we have relied upon sections 246 and 247 of the Companies Act 1985 on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of those sections as a small company .
27 He was a former underground activist in Solidarity , and had entered the Sejm in 1989 on the Solidarity list , although he headed the Gdansk-based Liberal Democratic Congress , a small political party composed of economic experts which had outlined a radical programme for the rapid privatization of state-owned enterprises .
28 Some have suffered from high inflation rates and political coups which have undermined the population 's confidence in domestic currencies and thereby encouraged investment in non-productive gold coins or jewellery .
29 Her diet was mostly handfuls of peanuts and crisps from private views she had attended .
30 The amendment was introduced by the government under pressure from land-owning peers led by Lord Pearson of Rannoch who , it later emerged , was backed mistakenly by 17 Labour peers who had misunderstood their brief .
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