Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 We are interested and associated but not absorbed and should European statesmen address us in the words which were used of old — Shall we speak for thee to the king or captain of the host ? ' — we should reply , Nay sir , for we dwell among our own people' ’ .
2 In Chile , in an address to the Congress , Bush stated that the country 's economic policies put it in the " forefront of the free-market movement now taking hold across Latin America " and that this made it a " prime candidate " for debt relief proposed under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative .
3 Within the Korean community in particular , heavily armed shop-owners organized themselves in defence of their businesses .
4 The sharp hiss of an angry breath drawn through clenched teeth stopped him in his tracks .
5 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
6 The way was thereby opened for English merchants to establish themselves in the island , and William Bolton came to Madeira as an agent for Robert Heysham of London , who had a brother in Barbados to whom Bolton shipped a large quantity of wine .
7 At other times cultural groups regard themselves in a superior relationship to other cultures .
8 The brown eyes regarded her in a contemplative manner until he said , ‘ You must meet Matt .
9 This is necessarily caused by the fact that the intrinsic differences between the services provided in different organizations reflect themselves in the respective budgets .
10 For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him , his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall .
11 I want to take the initiative a step further , which is why I am now appealing for other British companies to join us in providing this help for our troops .
12 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
13 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
14 After teaching himself to juggle , the 27-year-old is now advertising for fellow Big Top devotees to join him in starting up a little troupe .
15 Mr Catrain was 21 when German troops captured him in June 1940 .
16 I joined the others with great anticipation , of , possibly , hot coffee , French bread , maybe fried eggs awaited us in the barn .
17 Lomnitz has shown how squatters manipulate social networks to establish themselves in the city ( Lomnitz 1977 ) .
18 Shortly after the Salon des Indépendants , the Societe des Artistes Indépendants of Brussels invited the French painters to join them in their yearly show , which was to open in June .
19 Selling needs public relations to assist it in its everyday operation and selling is often called upon to disseminate a public relations message .
20 And then , one day , he came to her church and saw a great gold crown on one chair , billows of lace on another , " two beetle-like old ladies washing something in a pewter receptacle … "
21 Deby 's forces in late August raided Abeche and captured the Chadian Chief of National Armed Forces , Allafouza Koni Worimi , who was reportedly severely injured when Chadian forces freed him in an Oct. 30 battle at Bamissi on the border .
22 Many exciting adventures befell me in capturing these men .
23 Perhaps the cooler attitude and the rigours of endless hours of practice are the reasons why so many top players find themselves in extended slumps and periods of burn out .
24 Having led the Arab revolt , Faysal briefly became King of Syria before French forces expelled him in July 1920 .
25 Scottish police found them in a women 's refuge in Inverness but they disappeared again and may now be in London a city Mrs Ivory knows and likes .
26 Those who in peacetime seemed brave or merely quaint for believing in all those old doctrines found themselves in wartime much in demand , some as evangelists , some as prophets , some as teachers .
27 I was still under a care order so the Social Services put me in a hostel .
28 The other old nomes watched her in horrified silence .
29 It is quite usual to find large joints of roast beef and pork for slicing on the delicatessen counter , but two of the more interesting meats to reach us in recent years have been smoked turkey and pastrami .
30 The mayor and civic dignitaries met us in a blaze of colour at Bow Bridge with the usual greetings and pleasantries .
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