Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This code enables users to produce a complete working Agent for installation in an System V.4 environment in minutes .
2 This code enables users to produce a complete working Agent for installation in an System V.4 environment in minutes .
3 A liberal-democratic polity and a capitalist economy fit so snugly together in mutual support that democracy is regarded as the best possible political shell for capitalism .
4 In the neutral zone between the two countries there were estimated reserves of 5,000 million barrels , a strong economic incentive for reunification .
5 Provision is to be made against specific debts which are beyond the normal due date for payment to the extent that the directors recognise the possibility of irrecoverability .
6 The London-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is to make its first 100 million US dollar loan ‘ soon ’ to Uzbekistan .
7 The attraction of the USA as a site for 60 per cent of the 1980s investment flows is not only the size of its market but also its favourable and stable political environment for business .
8 It concludes that the reorientation will require strong public support for energy efficiency , appropriate action , a willingness and ability to introduce new technology on a wide scale , and a widening empathy with environmental concerns .
9 Thus no randomised trial with mortality as a pre-specified endpoint has shown a benefit of heparin as sole adjunctive therapy for thrombolysis .
10 In 1990 , after unsuccessful fostering and further misfortune , she developed symptoms of anorexia nervosa and in 1991 was admitted to an adolescent residential unit for treatment .
11 1992 saw growing CPD service with free surgeries , a database and , with the Bartlett School of Architecture , a successful bid to the European Social Fund for money to train unemployed architects in architectural project management skills .
12 The partnership network of SCAWD includes all the main Scottish churches , Scottish Churches Council and now ACTS , Scottish Churches House , the Iona Community , Christian Aid and SCIAF , the WCC and WSCF , the European Ecumenical Commission for Church and Society , the South-North Network : Cultures and ‘ Development ’ and various solidarity and aid organisations at home and abroad .
13 Allocation of time and facilities with ample free time for discussion is essential for effective team teaching .
14 Satisfying this apparently restricted market can yield useful profits , as Age Concern has shown through its low premium scheme for house contents insurance .
15 We therefore believe CCW must concentrate on building broad public support for landscape protection and enhancement .
16 However in attacking the failure to ensure adequate political representation for labour , any opposition group , let alone the Communist Party , had to face repression on the grounds that they were challenging the entire fabric of the Emperor system .
17 Make a habit of noting the temperature every time you go to the aquarium , at daily feeding time for example .
18 Like the syllabub , the fruit fool was almost always served in glasses or custard cups , although Susannah MacIver , an Edinburgh cookery teacher and author of an excellent little book called Cookery and Pastry , 5774 , directs that her gooseberry cream be served on an " asset " , the old Scots word for platter .
19 Mixed-traffic types such as the Brush Class 47 have fallen from favour since they inevitably entail a compromise between a high maximum speed for passenger working and a high tractive effort for freight haulage .
20 Moltke 's nerve failed him , and on 25 August — when the campaign in the west was reaching its decisive moment — he removed two army corps and a cavalry division from the German right wing for dispatch to the east .
21 Dietary advice to achieve a total energy intake of 120–150% of the recommended daily allowance for age , with approximately 40% of the total energy intake derived from fat , was given to each patient .
22 Williams and Bailey recently described using a reinforced laryngeal mask for adenotonsillectomy .
23 Extrapolating these results to human diets , the lowest calcium concentration used in the present study ( 25 µmol/g ) reflects a daily intake of calcium of about 12.5 mmol ( 500 mg ) which is about 60% of the recommended dietary allowance for calcium .
24 The need to find a sound theoretical basis for wage and price stickiness has inspired a large and growing literature on what has become known as ‘ contract theory ’ .
25 Potted game is most delicious and delicate with hot thin crisp brown toast for tea or as a first course at lunch .
26 ‘ The make of the watch was Optima , so I contacted the British Horological Institute for information .
27 He consequently met two leading teachers — a top Japanese instructor for karate and a Chinese tutor who introduced him to kung-fu .
28 This time there was no softness in the sound , no gentleness , just a raw aching need for possession , which she immediately recognised and gloried in .
29 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
30 The Hartlepool Marina Servicing Company will receive the British Standard certificate for quality assurance from MP Peter Mandelson in a ceremony at the town 's civic centre on Monday .
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