Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] even [art] most " in BNC.

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1 After a few months of therapy it is usual for even the most intense form of cat phobia to disappear .
2 ( d ) The expelled partner Whilst often enough the circumstances will be sufficiently clear for even the most recalcitrant individual to accept his fate , the traumatic nature of the process is highly conducive to acrimony .
3 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
4 The theory that success breeds success is particularly appropriate to the rise of headhunting : the early searches played a crucial part in promoting the concept of executive search as a necessary tool of modern business , acceptable in even the most conservative American Boardrooms .
5 Farmers , their pride stung , can easily become aggressively unhelpful to even the most politely worded and well-reasoned appeal to curb some of the unnecessarily destructive aspects of their farming practices .
6 It was next to impossible for even the most reactionary supporter of the status quo to claim that Government should not even examine the pensions system .
7 As it was , it was impossible for even the most servile and well-meaning to avoid offence .
8 Enterprise democracy differs from this in that ( a ) workers can begin to fight for such an objective in the absence of a socialist government and ( b ) it is by nature impossible for even the most ‘ socialist ’ of governments to develop enterprise democracy ‘ from above ’ .
9 Johnny had made her forgetful of even the most important things .
10 At one extreme , some of the more staunch believers , Catholic and Protestant alike , were obsessed with religious questions to a degree which most twentieth-century observers would consider neurotic and obsessional ; in contrast , at the other end of the spectrum , there existed a minority of lay men and women who consistently ignored their legal obligation to attend regular Sunday services and remained extraordinarily ignorant of even the most basic tenets of Christianity .
11 Xorandor examines the narrative aspect of the novel by exploring the theoretical problems of story-telling from the point of view of children whose minds have been formed by their exposure to computers ; here techniques specific to narrative are shown to be central to even the most logical of sciences .
12 In the 1980s the Iran-Iraq war demonstrated that the supply of oil to interested clients was possible in even the most threatening and unstable situations .
13 It was still taken as self-evident in even the most up-to-date fiction that being in love normally had only one outcome , marriage .
14 It has , however , brought to the surface a dormant temptation evident in even the most illustrious of Mrs Thatcher 's predecessors .
15 It is evident from even the most cursory reading of the Hebrew Bible , in particular the Five Books of Moses ( the Pentateuch ) , that blood , mentioned in this passage several times and with various significances , played an all-important role in the ancient Jewish belief system .
16 She was horribly short on even the most basic information about the people she wanted to speak to .
17 Two of our testers , whose skin has hitherto proved unresponsive to even the most intensive of creams , have noted a dramatic improvement with Neutrogena 's new Norwegian Formula Emulsion .
18 So — in Kufra and Ajdabiya , but perhaps not in Benghazi or Tripoli — it remained difficult for even the most devoted young revolutionary to intervene in such conversations to propagate the doctrine .
19 It will be extremely difficult for even the most experienced adviser to predict whether the reviewing court will accept that the interpretation of a term adopted by the initial decision-maker was right , in the sense of what the reviewing court believes to be the correct interpretation .
20 While he was careful not to give the impression to the Beavis family that his work was anything out of the ordinary , he nevertheless made sure it was not open to even the most casual glance .
21 It 's suitable for even the most advanced fishkeeping , and often forms a part of more complicated systems , when it can be fed from an external or internal filter .
22 He recognizes that this willingness to fillet the intellectual and thematic from even the most ho-hum work is absent from the Anglo-Saxon world , yet he also thinks that he understands it because of his own ( despite the tennis lessons and jogging ) Jewishness .
23 It should be clear by now that linear plots are never quite absent from even the most experimental of these novels .
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