Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] those [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In school this progressive acquisition of domestic technology was taken for granted , and we felt sorry for those children who lagged behind .
2 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
3 What was interesting about those MPs who were swift to defend him was that they come from the traditional working-class wing of the parliamentary party — people like Jimmy Hood , or Aberdeen North 's Bob Hughes .
4 Why were they interested in those topics which they chose to emphasize , and why did the work of certain authors , especially that of Lewis Henry Morgan , gain such prominence in their thinking ?
5 But following discussions with the DoH , the SSD is now planning to write direct to those authorities which are known to have recruited some of the former workers .
6 This deal was made acceptable to those provinces which would lose seats in the new Senate by increasing their representation in a House of Commons expanded from 295 to 337 members .
7 It ranks high among those topics which you fear may bore your listeners , but which , secretly , you take very seriously .
8 There was an unspoken and unrecorded understanding between the two teams of far-divided intelligence men … anything was possible of those buggers he 'd inherited .
9 In sociology , for example , we are most explicit about those procedures which we ourselves have invented or developed , that is quantitative procedures .
10 This continuing cycle , or perhaps more appropriately spiral , is clearly visible in those industries which centre on electronics and are in the business of producing robots and artificial intelligences which go with them .
11 The consensus is that although conditions at flowering were similar to those years which triggered the Moulin saga , a repeat with any particular variety this season is unlikely .
12 Can the Minister assure us that training for nurse prescribing will be provided and that it will be accessible to those nurses who need it ?
13 His most significant work , The Critique of Pure Reason , sets out the limits to thought insofar as they can ever be set from the perspective of people who are subject to those limits themselves .
14 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
15 The decision was crucial to those Britons who had now resolved to take up arms against Rome if necessary , but for the Druids it was now simply a matter of life or death .
16 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
17 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
18 Oh I think the work the work was very hard in those days you know .
19 Ranulf and the lay brother were left behind as Thomas explained that the Picti were secretive people , hostile to those races who had pushed them from their lands and so did not take kindly to strangers .
20 Although this means that the essay has , indeed , become rather bulky , it does enable one to communicate the nuances of people 's arguments , which can be especially useful for those readers who do not have easy access to the primary documents quoted .
21 The growing trend to adopt the Graves approach , as explained in his book Writing : Teachers and Children at Work ( Heinemann 1983 ) is particularly helpful for those children who find writing difficult .
22 Young , innocent , they had been malleable in those hands which were so practised in making something valuable out of raw or damaged material .
23 In the first place , Retin-A has only been proved effective on those wrinkles which have been caused by sun damage rather than the inevitable march of time .
24 An important aspect of the Esso case is that it illustrates that the restraint of trade doctrine is not simply applicable to those restraints which continue after the end of the contract period .
25 The interlinked circles of this part of London , declining and changing now as social patterns altered and moved people away , but still strong in those groups which had gone to school together , married within their peer group and worked side by side , struck him afresh .
26 The problem appeared particularly acute in those wells which had taken losses during the workovers — those where a large amount of water had been pumped into the well bore and the productive reservoir to keep the wellbore stable .
27 Inevitably , the financial consequences were most immediate and dramatic for those women who were not in receipt of benefit or who were the sole wage earners .
28 Their preoccupation with the military significance of the manyattas kept them , however , from consciously appreciating the extent to which it was there that the Masai received the training responsible for those characteristics which ‘ we , the British , deeply applaud .
29 He was in no way concerned with those issues which must concern us .
30 We are simply concerned with those issues which we will be discussing over the next erm eight days or so .
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