Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 It does n't seem quite right for a game where , for the first time , you meet intelligent alien life forms , and kill them .
2 ( The procedure might be somewhat different in a situation where the Government was in a minority , for example had I resigned between March and October 1974 . )
3 The view of the salesperson as being a slick fast-talking confidence trickster is unrealistic in a world where most sellers depend upon repeat business and where a high proportion of selling is conducted with professional buyers .
4 This is especially dangerous in a region where political frontiers , arbitrarily drawn by old colonial powers , divide the tribes .
5 A sixteenth-century building with a high saddle-roof , the Chuechlihaus , houses the Heimatmuseum which has a collection of old Langnau pottery products ; it also has exhibits to illustrate the products and tools of the several local timber trades and crafts , which is particularly appropriate in a district where forestry and timber trades are of such importance .
6 Although these are mostly non-Anglican in a land where only 2.5% of Christians are Episcopalian , they are highly significant .
7 It also seemed terribly contemporary in a society where pop singers were becoming the spokespeople of the age .
8 Next there is the instinct that it is contrary to fair play to put the accused in a position where he is exposed to punishment whatever he does .
9 ‘ the instinct that it is contrary to fair play to put the accused in a position where he is exposed to punishment whatever he does .
10 Hey , maybe I should make a visicord of you two , sell it down-Level , sell you two down-Level to a doghouse where they do that kind of thing !
11 A well-run herd of goats can be profitable near a town where a specialized market can be established .
12 A department store like Harrods , which sells more expensive products , would be inappropriate in an area where 75% of people are out of work , just as a cut-price ‘ saver ’ store would not really fit in Knightsbridge .
13 The auction catalogue can also quote from other authorities , which will be inevitable in a case where a scholar has written a catalogue raisonné , and advantageous if the context of the work is made clearer by the artist 's correspondence or other publications .
14 4.32 Employees must no go unaccompanied into a situation where they are likely to be at personal risk .
15 Napoleon III had already found it useful as a place where a few quiet days might be spent with a friend .
16 Such caution is prudent in a business where errors of judgement can be extremely expensive ; at least the reader of an auction catalogue knows clearly what view has been taken by the cataloguer on a number of questions .
17 This can be very effective in a room where you want to make the most of the light available , but needs a perfectly smooth wall surface .
18 A reputation for being exclusive is not very useful in a market where success depends on recruiting large numbers .
19 A defendant involved in a case where such proceedings are contemplated should be present if , after discussion with counsel , it is thought that his interests may be affected .
20 For example , you could be involved in a meeting where the people present are your customers and you can not show your anger ; you gradually get angrier and angrier and store up all your frustrations .
21 Those present might include the social work case workers , doctors , teachers , district or community nurses , playleaders , and anyone else directly involved in a family where such problems were suspected .
22 ‘ Drugs are a very serious issue — and you 're quite right , I have been involved in a world where they 're common currency .
23 But you said yourself just a few moments ago that I 've been involved in a world where drugs are common currency . ’
24 Such assets as Virgin had were almost meaningless : not the bricks and mortar so reassuring on the balance sheet , but the more nebulous assets of music and publishing copyrights tangible enough , perhaps , to people who understood the music business , and knew that at any given moment Virgin could raise millions if they so chose ; less comprehensible to a bank where customers were still greeted by frock-coated doormen .
25 Such sentiments are indeed understandable in a country where for well over a century the operatic tradition had been dominated by foreigners .
26 Becker asserts that greater social mobility is possible in a society where the new corporate bourgeoisie is the dominant class than where family firms predominate in the economic sector .
27 Control is possible in an organization where staff can harbour ambitions about self-advancement allied with a desire for unruffled relationships with superiors upon whom they depend .
28 Within the pueblo all are moral equals and this moral equality overlay social distinctions based on wealth ; wealth has its social expressions in the creation of bonds of obligation ( god-parenthood , for instance ) and not in the snobbery of conspicuous waste , absurd in a society where economic status is evaluated exactly by gossip .
29 And it seems strange in an area where we just lost General Hospital and everything has moved to , that , which is a nationally renowned hospital .
30 Occasionally he finds a transcendence of ardour , an equilibrium beyond desire — ‘ the disappearance of desire and the renunciation of everything ’ , a time innocent of hours , a perfect inoccupation in which boredom becomes impossible , a coming to life which is a loss of consciousness : ‘ I dissolve , I evaporate into blue air ’ ; a being alive in a world where ‘ death itself is less difficult ’ ( pp. 101 , 105 , 107 , 111 ) .
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