Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I was a bit depressed about it and nearly did n't sent it off .
2 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
3 When she looked at him closely , Jill felt sorry for him and rather wished she had n't spoken so pointedly .
4 Phoebe loathed housekeeping so profoundly that she felt guilty about it and always did it with a disciplined and joyless rigour , expecting everyone else to do so too .
5 He was never in favour — too old for her and too experienced and sophisticated ; but you know what young girls are — always fall flat on their faces for a good-looking fellow . "
6 It 's like a toy town I 've put away in the cupboard because I 'm too old for it and here it is , still waiting for me .
7 My mother 's final illness had been long and painful for her and emotionally and physically demanding for me .
8 They say it makes the experience less painful for them and less traumatic for the baby .
9 In fact , he claims that his flyingboat course was his last in the RAF and certainly the most fortuitous for himself and subsequently the RAF .
10 If they were plain , I might get fond of them and no longer notice , but they stayed inescapably plain and I , despite my best efforts , stayed stubbornly unenchanted .
11 He had always liked her , had grown very fond of her and now he was finding her intensely desirable .
12 Cos she said what 's wrong with her as well so that makes you feel better
13 All of us as women have the right and and the ability to give birth , that is if we can , there 's nothing , er , medically wrong with us but then added to that there are those who have the ability to be good mothers , un unfortunately I do n't happen to fall into that category .
14 It is experienced by the narrator as a place where he , the cultivated , Portuguese-speaking , well-read foreigner , must tread with care ; an old man , who is paid to sing typical local songs for the tourists , recognizes the narrator as something different from them but also as different from himself :
15 The title is imitated from the delightful Ivy and Stevie ( about Ivy Compton-Burnett and Stevie Smith by Kay Dick , though my materials are very different from hers and therefore the pattern that I shall construct from them must also be very different .
16 Exploratory tools allow learners to investigate views of a given domain which are different from theirs and so to examine consequences and conflicts .
17 By interposing a large enough series of Ks , we can derive the human eye from something not slightly different from itself but very different from itself .
18 An example of one difficulty will be to determine whether subsequent variations of a statement is of a nature which makes it impossible to characterize the statements as clear in themselves or as clearly demonstrating a parliamentary intention .
19 He was a congenial colleague to A. E. Housman [ q.v. ] , and in 1936 , the year of Housman 's death , brought out a brief memoir which , though mainly concerned with Housman 's scholarship , throws more light upon him than almost any of the studies by literary persons .
20 You 're interested in something that just is n't your business … ’
21 We realize Lord , that we ca n't do it ourself we are totally dependent upon you and yet we thank you for this .
22 In fact Arieti 's coverage of the latter is very cursory and he swiftly shifts to a discussion of examples of , to use Pickering 's term , ‘ creative malady ’ ; such as Proust 's asthma and Darwin ‘ s psychosomatic palpitations — examples that are interesting in themselves but largely irrelevant to the creativity/psychosis debate .
23 The crucial question is whether the arbitrator 's is a typical authority , or whether the two features picked out above are peculiar to it and perhaps a few others , but are not characteristic of authorities in general .
24 It had become clear to me that both Leslie and I had changed — not in essentials , but we had grown up .
25 From this it is clear to me that almost every possible subject and source is covered in Edinburgh libraries and everything is reasonably easy to find and the library staff are happy to assist .
26 Everything became bitingly clear to me as soon as I saw him turn round sharply and stare at me .
27 Right , now you you 've already made it clear to us that about half the increase in development costs are due to increases in the costs of the equipment .
28 I have always been waiting , all my life , for writing and story-telling to be transparent to me as well ; that moment has arrived …
29 The patient may be too dependent on you and too demanding .
30 Minton , though very definitely a part of the circle , was also contemptuous of it and never lost an opportunity to poke fun at it .
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