Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun sg] of state " in BNC.

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1 Hoveringham Gravels Ltd. v. Secretary of State for the Environment [ 1975 ] Q.B .
2 December : appointment of al-Jaburi as Defence Minister [ see p. 37927 ] and Gen. Abdel-Jabber Khalil al-Shanshal as Minister of State for Military Affairs .
3 Patrick Nicholls , MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Employment
4 In 1988 , she stepped on to the ministerial ladder as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of the Environment , where she took charge of one of Mrs Margaret Thatcher 's pet hates — litter .
5 The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , reiterated the familiar British line that while the government was ‘ already considering the scope of agricultural restrictions , ’ it ‘ believes that wherever possible , they should in the first event be on a voluntary basis , with compulsory powers being retained as a fall-back . ’
6 In early 1985 , work started at Wolverton on two new Royal Vehicles built on MKIII underframes ; in answer to a question in Parliament in April of 1985 , Mr David Mitchell , Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport , stated ‘ Most of the existing fleet is old , and several vehicles contain asbestos .
7 A letter has gone from members of the West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council — a body in which Christian leaders co-operate in dealing with matters of common interest — to Mr Robin Squire MP , Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment .
8 When the former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health ( Mrs Edwina Currie ) had refused to give evidence to the Select Committee on Agriculture , the committee resolved to table a motion in the Commons forcing her attendance .
9 But it gives me great pleasure to introduce Mark Lennox Boyd , the parliamentary under secretary of state , the foreign and commonwealth office , a position he 's held for some time .
10 In fact my honourable friend , the parliamentary under secretary of state for the department of trade and industry who 's responsible for deregulation is also the sponsoring minister for one of these orders , namely the one on the insurance companies , and secondly our intention is that the cost here should be negligible , or nil er in that they do n't go beyond er what is already required or or possible by way of a right to report , here we 're imposing a duty to report .
11 But I of course have the advantage of being one who condemns that degree of maladministration whether it applies in the democratic sector or in the quango sector and unfortunately , unfortunately despite all the corruption , I I 'll give way to the honourable gentleman if I could just er finish the point I 'm making , unfortunately despite all the corruption and all the mismanagement and all the fraud for which the Secretary of State is personally responsible as Secretary of State .
12 Sir Patrick Wright ( Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ) , who had the honour of being received by Their Royal Highnesses , was present and the Gentlemen of the Household in Waiting were in attendance .
13 No doubt Clarendon 's less domineering nature , compared to that of Palmerston , had much to do with the change of status , particularly when coupled with his appointment of Edmund Hammond ( 1802–90 ) in April 1854 to replace the ‘ courteous , conservative ’ Henry Unwin Addington as Permanent Under Secretary of State .
14 Sir Frank Cooper was the top civil servant at the ministry , as permanent under secretary of state , from 1976 until he retired at the end of last year .
15 After 1948 , the Chairman , with the grade of Assistant Under-Secretary of State , reported to the Home Secretary through the Permanent Under Secretary of State at the Home Office , instead of , as previously , through the Criminal Division at the Home Office .
16 In preparing the Bill and seeing it through Parliament , Jenkins had at his right hand Cunningham 's successor as Permanent Under Secretary of State , Sir Philip Allen .
17 It remained , nonetheless , within the tradition of mobilizing voluntary in place of state action wherever possible .
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