Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] who at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Treated as a wayward child who at the same time was exceedingly precocious , he was considerably indulged as long as he continued to sow confusion in Rommel 's back yard .
2 hey that 's , that bloody bloke who at the club that you
3 He 's he puts more into talking with the I R A and Sinn Fein than he does with the Unionist community who at the end of the day are the majority in Northern Ireland .
4 The Fauré comes first and is the earliest work here ( 1876 ) , emerging as an ardent utterance from the still youthful composer who at the time of its composition was recovering from the shock of being jilted by his fiancée .
5 Most notable in the first category have been six veterans of the Romanian Communist Party who at the beginning of the year addressed an open letter of defiance to President Ceausescu , telling him that ‘ the very idea of socialism for which we have fought is discredited by your policies ’ .
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