Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At this output Q ' ; the marginal social cost exceeds the marginal social benefit as given by the height of the demand curve DD .
2 The vertical distance between the marginal social cost MSC and the marginal social benefit as given by DD shows the marginal social loss of producing the last output unit .
3 Substituting in for Γ from ( 5 ) , ( 19 ) can be re-written as : The aim of optimal policies is to maximize the government 's objective function as given by ( 19 ) .
4 The 29-country coalition as given on Feb. 21 by the US embassy in London was , in addition to the USA , as follows :
5 The written word always has a special sanctity and more so if it is from a contemporary source , but it needs to be examined with the same ruthless and objective scrutiny as given to the archaeological evidence .
6 April : Robert Polhill ( US ) , Frank Reed ( US ) , Fernand Houtekens ( Belgian ) , Jacqueline Valente ( French ) , Sophie-Liberté Valente ( French ) [ see p. 37391 ; the last three were released by representatives of the Revolutionary Council of Fatah , not by the Fatah Revolutionary Council as given on that page ] ; August : Emanuel Christen ( Swiss ) , Elio Erriquez ( Swiss ) , Brian Keenan ( Irish-British ) [ see p. 37768 ] ; October : 40 Shia Moslem " hostages " from Khiyam prison , southern Lebanon [ see p. 37793 ] .
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