Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many patients with substantial deformities remain asymptomatic , but they are at increased risk of neurological damage with the passage of time .
2 He emerged in due course with an elegy , which he presented to his sorrowing wife , of which two verses read :
3 He dealt a nearby Tree a rather contemptuous blow with the flat of his hand and Floy saw the Tree trunk quiver under the impact .
4 Tall building with a bell in you ?
5 On the one hand , individuals usually on a short-term contract with a job to do face on the other hand a bureaucracy with mixed feelings about the importance of environmental deterioration .
6 Corporate Programme terms of business are agreed separately as part of the total contract with the company concerned .
7 The International Publishers Association may have given us a pointer in the right direction with the publication this year of its Charter for the Reader .
8 CANS of a fish product , manufactured by a Scottish company , have been withdrawn from sale throughout Britain as a precautionary measure because of a possible link with a case of suspected botulism in which a woman was paralysed from the neck down .
9 There is also a possible link with a robbery a month ago at Saughall Motors .
10 Under the eyes of a serious , tall Palestinian with a pistol in his holster , they were singing , over and over again : ‘ Fatah , we are your children and , when we are older , we will be your soldiers . ’
11 Etna , on the island of Sicily , has been whooshing and thumping away in one or other of its twin summit craters intermittently for hundreds of years — Milton refers to it as ‘ Thundering Aetna ’ in Paradise Lost — and the lurid spectacle of gouts of lava being ejected from the crater every few minutes makes an odd contrast with the winter sports going on on the smooth , snowy slopes beneath the summit .
12 The corollary of the latter explanation is that the northwest-southeast anticlinal ridge with a core of Westphalian A strata was not significantly buried in later Westphalian times and acted as a controlling feature on Westphalian sedimentation .
13 At the short uncomplicated inquest on Perkin a week later the coroner found unhesitatingly for ‘ Accident ’ and expressed sympathy with the family .
14 They say they will go even if the Vietnam-backed government in Phnom Penh fails to achieve a political settlement with the resiStance .
15 Within days of Israel 's victory , Shehadeh had suggested to senior Israelis that they should permit the West Bank to declare an independent Palestinian state forthwith , without waiting for a political settlement with the rest of the Arab world .
16 The research will also explore the interplay between class , ethnicity and gender in parental interaction with the school .
17 Charles had planned to take part in a private Mass with the Pope , but was forbidden at the last moment after strong protest to the government from the Church of England hierarchy .
18 This displacement allows a strong interaction with the N terminus of the repressor B helix .
19 After John 's death , Mary proved she had listened well by signing a profitable contract with the RKO studios
20 Some of them even more horrible than being described as ‘ decent ’ by a wonky-gobbed ex-public school exhibitionist and professional arsehole with a gnat 's testicle for a brain .
21 It was decided that their successors would be of similar size and anew steel cutter was designed by Technical Branch with a length of 80 feet , a beam of 16 feet and a draft of 6 feet .
22 Hutchison , the kid Dalglish signed from Hartlepool nearly two years ago , marked his European debut with the winner in the 69th minute when he sent a neat chip over the keeper after being fed by Steve McManaman .
23 Well I had learnt shorthand and typing at school but erm the money was necessary at home you see , and er with my sister working there , at H and T Hornes , er she spoke for me and er I had an interview and and they put me up in the nursery , we used to call it the nursery see because we were all fourteens up there and er then they called it the cylinder shop and er my foreman was a fella name Archie and erm everything was very very strict indeed , we could not move away from our board you could n't speak to the next one that was working by you , and er there was a fella named Mr and he was he , I did n't work for him I worked for Mr , but some you cou you were afraid to move because of this man and he he he 'd stare at you and he 'd look at you and anyway erm they put me assembling and it was very interesting indeed , there was a tall stand on , we called it the bench , a tall stand with a screw on the top and then to as begin to assemble the locks you had to take what we would call the body , screw it into the er little on the stand and then we had tweezers , there were , in the body there were five springs and then you had to have five breast pins and when you got the springs in you .. we have to have a plug at the back so as we could put each pin and push the plug over that a dummy plug we called it and so that was five pins were in and then there was a ball er when that , when we came to put it in our vice , we had to put the V I C E not V O voice .
24 There would be a uniformed PC with every match as well as plain-clothes men mingling with the crowds .
25 MOST observes a hollow shell with a rim brightness typically 9mJy per beam giving .
26 Spoke at a number of events and was enabled to see a good many different sides of the west of Scotland making a strong link with a group in Garthamlock ( Rev. )
27 For the past few years he has been joined in aspects of his research and conservation work by Dr Jane O'Sullivan , an agricultural scientist with an interest in the relationship between humanity and the natural world .
28 Meanwhile , Banking Certificate and Pre-Associateship Route students are taking advantage of the Institute 's CAL revision packages , which combine the advantages of computer-based teaching with the opportunity to iron out any problems with the aid of a tutor helpline .
29 Arthur Penn 's strong sympathy with the outsider and an anti-Establishment stance made an impact on the anti-draft , anti-Vietnam , middle-class college students of that tumultuous period .
30 Or is aggression leading to violence endemic in sport and sports spectators ? competent , phlegmatic Englishman reading the Oxford Book of Greek Verse while organizing supplies and technical support with a minimum of fuss .
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