Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] you do n't " in BNC.

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1 Mountain bikes do n't have guards because if you 're using them on wet and muddy terrain you do n't want to constantly have to stop to unclog the wheels .
2 I 've only brown bread you do n't mind do you ?
3 He says unless you know what goes on in his daily life you do n't realise what he goes through .
4 This document makes good and interesting reading full of fact individual references and a guidance for future action you do n't need to be a solicitor to understand at consultation exercise will be then brought back to th conference in Blackpool this year , Nigel spoke about the , the new European directive the importance of the new regulations .
5 You do n't have fizzy pop you do n't , orange .
6 Oh you did , yeah it 's it 's er no but I mean in terms of the actual word you do n't know what it is
7 I remember on one occasion I dashed out of the television studios to the bookshop in Norwich without a trace of make-up on and these kids fell off their bikes , saying ‘ Ugh , in real life you do n't look at all like you do on TV . ’ ’
8 ‘ But these days if you 're not in the Premier League you do n't even merit a look .
9 In the listening phase you do n't say anything , you just listen and allow the sounds and patterns of the language to flow into you .
10 Now in this particular case I 'm using a tap funnel Tap funnel just as it 's it 's Erm the concentrated acid you do n't just sort of pour it in and run away and leave it to it .
11 Cos you 've probably found that already with maths have n't you that once there 's a little bit you do n't understand they start putting more and more on that you need to know that little bit for and you you do n't know it and you 're getting more and more lost and then it gets a bit late then .
12 Yes lovely , amino acids , right , it 's one particular amino acid there are eight essential amino , amino acids and it 's one of these and it 's called venial alanine you do n't have to remember that , it 's very difficult to , to remember .
13 ‘ Then it 's a great pity you did n't leave it longer .
14 ‘ It 's a good job you did n't try to sleep in these , you 'd have caught your death of cold . ’
15 ‘ It was a good job you did n't have to climb up that ladder , ’ she said .
16 Ken remembered hearing a woman at his hotel tell a man : ‘ It was a good job you did n't come .
17 But that Sat Sunday when Hazel was here and I , and she did n't want to go so I said I 'd stay with her and cook the dinner when y when you came back you said it 's a good job you did n't come , it did n't finish till half past twelve and you came straight home and you were here about
18 I know when you came in you said well it 's a good job you did n't come .
19 So Rob said then er , something about it 's a good job you did n't say how do you want your coffee black or white !
20 ‘ It 's a damn good job you do n't , laddie , or I could see you being hauled up before the old man . ’
21 I mean , I 'm really looking forward to I mean most of your bloody time within a year I 'm getting out you can start doing what you want then , but when you do n't have that regular period you do n't know how you 're gon na react to your own , you 've got
22 ‘ It 's a good thing you do n't know any secrets — you 'd give them away to the milkman ! ’ ’
23 It 's a good thing you do n't have to wear your lungs on the outside of your chest , because it would spoil that athletic image you cultivate entirely . ’
24 It 's a good thing you did n't have me doing it .
25 ‘ On a long journey this may be reasonable , but if you are travelling a short distance you do n't want to wait an hour .
26 But it 's tr it 's true in most , if you do clinical medicine erm er ophthalmic optics you do n't get to play with the patients until quite a way on , and most of them do n't even get a chance to observe for a lot of it .
27 To skipper on the Ionian Flotilla you do n't need to know how to navigate .
28 Like if there 's a full stop you do n't put and next to it .
29 I said well hell well you 've got them going in there full pelt you do n't go in there to stop it !
30 But that 's only because it 's an American idea that 's the only reason you do n't like it
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