Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] was through the " in BNC.

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1 When we actually reached the reef , with calm water erupting into foaming waves twenty feet high as they hit the rocks , the Mantela bucked like a frightened horse , sank into a trough , reared up again , and then , as suddenly as it had started , the old tub was through the creamy foam of the passage and had settled into the lazy waters of the lagoon .
2 Ceauşescu 's first contact with British statesmanship was through the interest that he had in obtaining British technology and the up-and-coming Antony Wedgwood-Benn had in selling it .
3 Tolkien 's way of presenting this philosophical duality was through the Ring .
4 Almost the entire journey was through the plain , now covered in dense fog .
5 Poor man was through the wars , was n't he ? ’
6 The library consisted of two rooms , but the only entry to the inner room was through the outer .
7 The only access was through the narrow , winding streets of Sandwich .
8 Then Golden Girl was through the wind .
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