Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] it could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a small owner-occupied parcel it could have been missed ; alternatively he might have preferred to sell it , possibly to John , whose own assessment could therefore have embraced this as well .
2 Because of funding cuts in nuclear research this is currently due to close in 1994 ; with the German fuel it could operate for another three years .
3 A leading textile and clothing employer told me last night that if we implemented the social clause it could cost thousands of jobs within his company .
4 If Bragad guesses at your real identity it could cause us a world of difficulties with some of the lords . ’
5 It 's been a rocky start to a short life … but Sami 's owners hope with a little helping hand it could have a much happier ending .
6 from what you 've told us , it would be possible for this aircraft to be so multi mission it could replace the whole of the front line er R A F fast jet strain , could that be true ?
7 Intel told it that running a current SCO binary on Pentium would win it only twice the performance of SCO Unix on the 80486 , compared with a fourfold increase it could expect with code recompiled for Pentium , although it would mean giving up on backwards compatibility .
8 In small gardens of the National Trust it could turn out to be the rule rather than the exception .
9 If he had been associated with a major electric manufacturer it could have been different , but his character was too individualistic .
10 Chairman of ITV Sport Greg Dyke said that now the new league may not become the major force it could have been .
11 ‘ At that time , ’ recalls Vivien , who was the first British player to try her hand on the American Tour , ‘ the LPGA needed all the publicity and good will it could get .
12 Because the new government had an effective army it could raise much more revenue from taxes than the King had done , and so was more powerful than the monarchy had been .
13 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
14 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
15 He says if someone has a low immunity it could cause muslce paralysis .
16 this week 's been , the worst possible week it could have been
17 On a day of heavy traffic it could take an hour .
18 The Turkish parliament on Aug. 12 voted by 216 to 151 to give the government war powers if necessary , specifying that if Iraq attacked Turkish territory it could send Turkish troops into combat and also allow foreign forces to be deployed on Turkish soil .
19 In Britain this is a ground nesting bird of the open country , and there is no record of it entering caves , but like the snowy owl it could have altered its behaviour during colder stages of the Pleistocene .
20 The CEGB itself admitted that if a plane weighing over 2.3 tonnes — a five seater light aircraft — struck one of the core buildings of the complex at a critical point it could lead to an ‘ uncontrolled release of radioactivity ’ .
21 The only meaning it could have would be , ‘ I bestow the name ‘ sensation of white ’ on the sensation I am now having . ’
22 And it , that 's the only place it could have stood , there .
23 The only person it could have been was Kerry .
24 This case is therefore best considered as an instance not of the role of intention in trusts , but of the general role it could play in the interpretation of testamentary dispositions .
25 That 's what the timing suggests , but that 's not the only thing it could suggest .
26 erm it does n't give an answer , but if you could the only answer it could give is that what my tables say is wrong .
27 This looks like a case of a random example ; for the only problem it could create would be by failing to fall within a category of admissible wordings .
28 The East German government clearly felt this was the only way it could agree to the departure of more than 5,000 East Germans who had flooded into the Prague embassy since the first batch were allowed to leave on Saturday night .
29 The only option it could offer , said Mr Kerfoot , was one involving transfer of the oil to road at sidings in Middlesbrough at about £35 a tonne .
30 Kenneth Baker indicated recently that he thinks such a plan should go ahead ; if he can persuade his government colleagues that the scheme could make a real contribution to economic growth it could start up by the Spring .
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