Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 At the quarter-mile post the Limited is only 0.3secs shy of the Integrale 's 14.9secs , but the VW 's better aerodynamics and 20.9mph per 100rpm gearing in fifth allow it to fly to an impressive 139mph top speed and leave the Lancia flailing in its wake .
2 The news will throw Tottenham 's future to fresh confusion and leave the club hoping desperately that manager Terry Venables can put together a deal to save them from collapse .
3 Felix had tracked him down through his old address and left a note .
4 I was feeling so bad that I treated it as a kind of moral victory that I was able to empty most of the water out of the obviously Gav-filled kettle and leave the level at the minimum mark .
5 Tayside north Tory MP Bill Walker says more defence cuts could close Rosyth naval base and leave the future of the dockyard in serious doubt .
6 This split made it impossible to unite a broad democratic majority and left the republic divided almost from the start of the regime .
7 Yet the Defence Force offered a chance admittedly small — of subsequently entering the Imperial Guard and leaving the claustrophobic hives of Necromunda entirely for other worlds .
8 Just take a small bag with what you need for the night and a warm pullover and leave the key to your door with your next-door neighbours . ’
9 It is certainly fortunate for us that the numbers are unequal because , if they had been the same , nearly all the quarks and antiquarks would have annihilated each other in the early universe and left a universe filled with radiation but hardly any matter .
10 But while ‘ Deliverance ’ was a 70 's nightmare , exposing the soft-underbelly of the male ego and leaving the survivors weeping in their soup , ‘ City Slickers ’ is a product of the new-man 90's , where the soft underbelly is a source of pride .
11 It therefore places them in a paradoxical relationship and leaves the believer to live with the tension of relating to the world .
12 A design that inverts the desirable situation , filling the peripheral zone with fine detail and leaving the fovea blank , is disconcerting , even bewildering , and sometimes frightening .
13 Indeed it has been seen in ( 212 ) above that allow can even evoke the existence of permission as a present state and leave the realization of the action permitted in the hypothetical future .
14 After five minutes , apply Clear Black Bison Wax Paste using 0000 steel wool to remove excess liming and leave a waxes finish .
15 It requires a pre-heated burner and leaves a nasty smell if spilled .
16 Instead , he wholeheartedly takes them over : they show up materialism as an inadequate position and leave the way open for his spiritual immaterialism , with God at its centre .
17 Chick Lyall 's score , with its eerie electronics , completed the feeling of sombre desolation and left the audience strangely moved .
18 For example electric shocks or anxiety generally impaired a secondary task and left the main task unaffected , however , using incentive or noise as an arousal manipulation often improved main task performance leaving the secondary task unaffected .
19 This works to ‘ dull ’ a band 's sense of adventure and as the work rate intensifies , it is a natural reaction to concentrate on artistic input and leave the fundamentals ( tour organisation and administrative chores ) to those employed for the purpose .
20 ‘ I used a hot towel and left the product on for ten minutes after which time my hair felt very soft .
21 In this section we shall confine ourselves mainly to inorganic nomenclature and leave a more systematic treatment of organic nomenclature until chapter 17 .
22 If the Member who tops the ballot happens to choose to promote a Bill dealing with a controversial and time-consuming topic , he alone may consume almost all the available time and leave no other Bill with a chance .
23 It might also be a total disaster and leave the chasm as wide as before .
24 The show charts Elvis 's musical career and leaves the rest of his life alone .
25 It can and does encourage your customer to pay only the oldest parts of your total debt and leave the more recent balances unpaid .
26 I took the painting and went through the cocktail bar and down the steps to the other deck and left the boat that way .
27 This shows change by sign.posting the new route and leaving the old route intact .
28 Bogart was the quintessential Seventies entrepreneur who ploughed through an alpine landscape of cocaine , finally towing his company , Casablanca Records , over the financial brink and leaving the entire disco industry and , in particular , Casablanca 's owners PolyGram , tottering on the edge .
29 The drum grew louder in the final roll , the flautists blew steadily , keying up anticipation , and the rattle fell silent as Dulé took one step with his other foot and left the ground , then hand over hand into the air shinned up the free-standing ladder till he alighted at the tenth rung and hung there like a heron on a breakwater at home , it seemed to Kit , even as he asked himself in wonder , what unearthly magic 's here ?
30 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
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