Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] all the time " in BNC.

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1 To substantiate the continuum hypothesis De Camp and others ( for example , Bickerton , in his detailed studies of Guyanese Creole ) point to the following well-documented facts : few Jamaicans or Guyanese speak Standard English , few speak maximally broad Creole all the time : most speak ( by their own assessment as well as a linguist 's ) something " in between " ; and how close to the standard or the broad Creole they speak , is largely a function of their social class .
2 Stop thinking you 're some great displaced intellectual all the time .
3 IT MUST be awful being in Guns N' Roses , standing next to Axl Rose and listening to him making that funny noise all the time .
4 So within , your very new born sleeping all the time it , its body temperature can begin to drop without you knowing .
5 Isabel 's personal integrity had been there in her clear gaze all the time , if he 'd been thinking with his head instead of with his emotions .
6 Yeah it 's rather mild and they sort of erm , to find a different place all the time
7 what Labour is saying is that the reason why there 's low employ high employment is because er where , they 're trying to cut inflation which is , one of the side ways of cutting inflation is that interest rates go up and , but the thing is that which then leads to unem unemployment , but the thing is you ca n't have a decent the , full growing economies , its full capacity if you 've got high inflation all the time knackering you up
8 They 'll take the moral high ground all the time .
9 Policing the extended coastline all the time was well-nigh impossible , and few of the upper classes were prepared to face the tax loads an efficient preventive service would require .
10 Another strategy is to jam the re-uptake system open , so that dopamine flows through it the wrong way all the time , keeping the gap suffused with the neurotransmitter .
11 There was a funny atmosphere all the time he was there Then after he 'd left , the other guys turned to me and said , what you doing bringing a sooty down ? )
12 Others talked about high finance all the time . ’
13 I I mean I think I think in retrospect the erm this is n't intended as a criticism erm of past work , but I do think we need to look at getting as much volunteer help in the town towards volun volunt environmental achievements as possible because one of our one of our claims is that we 're cost effective and can galvanize voluntary effort , and if we erm put all of our work out to tender including relatively small works , we 're actually going to negate that particular claim and we 're gon na look as as as er cost cost wasteful as the district council and the county council in their use of professional help all the time , even though there may be people in the community who are prepared to help .
14 It does but that 's because it 's like a huge atom bomb flowing hydrogen all the time .
15 out of that rear window all the time not using your rear view mirrors look once as well .
16 And it 's like a viscous circle all the time between us my , I do n't know what all become , apparently erm , mother is erm , cos I said you know , you all going to mother 's at Christmas and they said oh no she 's talking about going away .
17 She know that and she just seems to be like a vicious circle all the time , I mean she does n't , I mean just getting deeper , deeper into debt .
18 Now , we may surmise that any individual fish , if it could get away with it , would ‘ prefer ’ to play the male role all the time , because the male role is cheaper .
19 Move away to avoid flying directly over the field , but keep it within easy reach all the time .
20 It 's a great mistake to get yourself into a state of nervous excitement all the time … nobody should ever overdo it you know … you should read Jane Austen and then you 'll feel better .
21 ‘ So you see , what with the Church never keeping adequate records and relying on the personal network all the time and the patronage system doing the same but relying on a different network , we 're all rather in the dark . ’
22 That was hard work all the time , my hands my hands used to chap on the backs , used to chap hands and that was only , I was over the wind , I wind and , and er when I used to scrub the cabin out which was with washing soda and soft soap and when you went along cos that was you get , you get erm , ordinary washing soda on the back of your hands and they did n't supply anything then .
23 I mean , you 're taking responsibility for human life all the time .
24 The scenes of destitution which the journalists could not be prevented from glimpsing-it is impossible to put someone in a hermetic bubble all the time , even for ten days — had not apparently impaired their appetites .
25 Unless I get a job for Zorlac , then I can wear my hooded sweat all the time : and never have to wash ! ( laughs )
26 Yeah , well , you see , but if he , the thing is , if he , he , he seems as if he is carrying a weight , a terrible weight all the time
27 ‘ Passed up a couple of total certs to come to your bloody bun-fight , ’ she complained , though she was looking at the poor child all the time , with her eyes half-closed and tossing her head so the sockets would catch the light .
28 Yes , he 's a clumsy boy all the time .
29 At any rate , it seems difficult for them all to be given equal emphasis all the time .
30 He wore a thick woollen coat all the time , even on the hottest days of summer when he took to wandering around the garden in endless circles .
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