Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] would be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The SNP thought that if the ‘ independence-union ’ alternative was stressed , the crumbling of British Labour support would be to its benefit .
2 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
3 One suggestion for avoiding this is to have the explicit tax rate apply only to net-of-transfer income earnings , so that if the benefit withdrawal rate is 60 per cent and the explicit tax rate 30 per cent the ‘ total ’ tax paid on an additional £1 of earned income would be at a rate , which is a sum comprising 60p less means-tested benefit , and 30 per cent of 40p = 12p explicit tax , i.e. 72p .
4 Last night 's humiliating episode would be with her for a very long time .
5 This is because the usual practice would be for the investment manager to deal only in its own name account client .
6 However , the prospect of terms passing backwards and forwards ad infinitum is unrealistic ; a sensible course would be for the business to decide that once a certain stage is reached , it will attempt to negotiate a compromise , for instance , a seller might decide to negotiate with customers who " reject " terms in a delivery note .
7 If she sprang up and gave him a good shaking , every bit of public sympathy would be on his side .
8 There would appear to be few situations when access to the premises at high level would be of value or desirable in emergencies .
9 The jobs would largely be unskilled and semi-skilled and a high proportion would be in inner city areas , where high unemployment bites particularly badly .
10 The Moscow agreement was effectively dead and the most sensible move would be for the UN to sponsor simultaneous withdrawal of American and Russian forces to be followed by the establishment of a unified Korean government — ‘ It might not be a very democratic or very efficient Government , but almost anything would be better than the present absurd and dangerous division . ’
11 And if the north Aegean panel of tribute-paying allies succumbed to attack or subversion , the Hellespontine corn-route would be at risk .
12 They had to be wooed back into the workforce because , with a shortfall of school-leavers , the British economy would be on its knees without them .
13 It is not easy to imagine just how different life would be in a biosociety , compared with life in our present society .
14 France , he said , must insist on exact compliance with consultation provisions and ‘ if the Vietnamese were to be allowed from the start to negotiate and sign international treaties without full prior consultation and approval the foundation and future of the French Union would be in peril . ’
15 Even a trained fighter would be in trouble .
16 In 1967 , Sir William Penney , then chairman of UKAEA , thought the first commercial reactor would be in operation in 1979 .
17 There is a belief that mild mental handicap may in a sense be inherited in a way that most severe mental handicaps are not , although public understanding would be to the contrary .
18 A century later the French nobility would be among the worst affected victims of the activities of the routiers , often called Companies , whose particular style of war entailed the destruction of a wide variety of noble revenues .
19 Much everyday reasoning about causes , however , seems to demand perfect relationships : ‘ Smoking does n't cause lung cancer ; the man next door to us got lung cancer and he had never smoked a cigarette in his life ’ , implying that the only cast-iron proof would be for all smokers to get lung cancer and for no non-smokers to get
20 Any expenditure by the Regional Council would be from an identified Industrial Development Budget heading , and would be likely to form only a small proportion of the total project cost .
21 For the former , the normal requirement would be for the duty solicitor to attend the court ; for the latter the predominant arrangement would be a ‘ call-in ’ scheme based on either a list or a rota of duty solicitors .
22 A typical entry would be for , say , E233 , a preservative , chemical name thiabendazole , a man-made material , with a note of caution attached warning that it should be avoided during pregnancy because it can damage the unborn child .
23 The lane down to the harbour was steep ; the oncoming wind would be of positive benefit .
24 One theoretical possibility which is thought not to be found in actual practice would be for the plaintiff , in a state of origin which regarded service as a matter for the parties to handle , to be allowed to make a direct approach to the Justice Ministry or other central authority of the state of destination .
25 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
26 And his perfect ending would be for Villa to become the first winners of the Premier League and break United 's hearts for the second successive season in a title run-in .
27 Any progress to be made in this almost uncharted area would be of great significance to communication and those who apply it .
28 Instead , it was felt that the principal impact would be in preventing the transfer to the car of a large number of cyclists who would otherwise
29 ‘ His real use would be inside the Soviet Union .
30 A typical argument would be along the following lines .
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